Showing Collections: 211 - 220 of 1294
College of Natural Resources collection
Records, correspondence, publications, photographs, audio/visual materials, and administrative information.
Committee on Committee Records
Minutes and agenda for the Committee on Committees.
Conservation Reports and Publications
Consolidated Insurance Agency records
Constance Talbott and A.B. Hatch Photographs
Photographs of University of Idaho campus
Conte Candoli papers
Conte Candoli was a jazz trumpeter. The papers include original music manuscripts and published sheet music either created or used by Conte Candoli during his career. They also include newspaper clippings, programs, photographs, awards, clothing, audio and video cassettes, and a Pocket Trumpet.
Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit photographs
Photographs from Paul D. Dalke’s trips and research. Includes photos of outdoor scenes, wildlife, and people.
Copper King Mining and Smelting Company records
Correspondence and organizational, stock, financial, tax, and other records of a silver-lead mine in the Lelande Mining District of the Coeur d'Alene region of Idaho.
John Costello Letter
John Costello correspondence