Showing Collections: 481 - 490 of 1295
Idaho Book Collection
This book collection is made up of items published by an Idaho governmental agency.
Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society collection
Office files and records from the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, including newsletters, audio-visual materials, conservation affairs and projects, finances, correspondence, and meeting materials.
Idaho Cities and Towns photograph collection
Photographs of street scenes, panoramic views, and houses, businesses, and other buildings in Moscow and other Idaho communities; also photographs of civic, social, and service groups and activities.
Idaho Club Students Association records
Consist of ten folders and eleven books containing financial records, commissary bids, meeting minutes, correspondence, member lists, and constitutions for the Idaho Club and Lindley Hall Cooperative Kitchen. The collection also includes news articles and a document overviewing the history and features of cooperatives at the University of Idaho.
Idaho College Republican League records
Various papers, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings regarding the Idaho College Republican League. The content within these boxes is mainly related to correspondence, political agenda, and ICRL directory materials.
Idaho Conservation League Records
Idaho Constitutional Revision Commission papers
Correspondence and reports of Robert C. Strom, a member of the commission.
Idaho Crop Improvement Association (CIA) records
Agendas, correspondence, minutes, etc. relating to the Idaho Crop Improvement Association (CIA) records.
Idaho Department of Lands, Forest Insects records
Files from the office of Ladd Livingston, Forest Insect and Disease Supervisor in Coeur d'Alene, related to the Idaho State Forester Insect Work and the Douglas Fir Tussock Moth project.