Showing Collections: 461 - 470 of 1294
George E. "Cap" Horton collection
Papers, photographs, textiles, and other miscellaneous materials.
Charles W. Hosack papers
Professional papers related to Charles W. Hosack's service as Idaho First District Court Judge from 1997 to 2010 and subsequent service as Senior Judge and Supreme Court Pro Tem through 2020. Also contains organizational records from Kootenai Bench Bar Organization, formerly known as Inns of Court.
Robert E. Hosack Papers
Correspondence and other papers relating to the Moscow, Idaho chapter of the United World Federalists (1947-1970) and clippings, reports, and other papers relating to service in the Idaho Legislature (1975-1978).
Arthur Sylvester Howe papers
Letters and notebook pages typed copies of correspondence relating to Howe's research for a projected biography of Mary Jane (Hawes) Holmes.
John P. Howe papers
Materials concerning the University of Idaho forestry deptartment and lumber mills around Idaho.
Jennie E. Hughes Medal Oration
Winning essay in the University of Idaho Watkins Medal for Oratory contest, 1898, written and presented by Jennie Eva Hughes.
Edward Maslin Hulme Scrapbooks
Bound and unbound volumes of newspaper clippings dealing with the University of Idaho and its debate teams.
Bonnie J. Hultstrand papers
Publications, photocopied gender equity in sports articles, and some course materials from the University of Idaho course "Women in Sports" taught by Bonnie J. Hultstrand.