Showing Collections: 741 - 750 of 1295
Nelson Auto Electric Co. records
Business records including invoices, accounts receivable slips, bank statements, and other papers.
Elsie Nelson papers
"The Antique Bed" by Elsie Nelson.
Francis Newland diary and papers.
Francis Newland diary and papers.
News Bureau photographs
Photographs used in publications for the University of Idaho, athletics, Greek life, arts, and local events, and campus.
Nez Perce Agency correspondence
Nez Perce Agency correspondence collection contains letters written by John B. Monteith, 1871-1876; Charles D. Warner, 1880-1882; and Charles E. Monteith, 1873-1875 and 1882-1883, mostly to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington D.C.
Nez Perce County Historical Society Oral History Project
Twenty-three interviews conducted by Diane Pettit, detailing the lives of early white settlers in the Nez Perce County region. Each interview speaks on their personal history, family history, and their lives.
Nez Perce Famers County Mutual Fire Insurance Company records
Articles of incorporation, correspondence, income tax returns, cash books, policy registers and other financial material.
Nez Perce translation of a portion of the Bible
Nez Perce translation of a portion of the Bible.