Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 1293
Thomas R. Ashlee and Geoffrey Coope collection of flora in Idaho and Washington
Glass plate negatives, film negatives, and prints of plants photographed in Idaho and Washington.
Associated Women Students records
The records include constitution, regulations, officer lists, constitutional amendments, duties of council members and committees, handbooks, meeting minutes, financial documents, and programs of social events.
Association for the Humanities in Idaho
A collection of project proposals, grant proposals, and core curriculum programs. It also contains details about visiting professors and correspondence between association members.
Athletic Board of Control Records
Scope and Contents
Athletic Board of Control Minutes handling schedules, awards, and oversight of Athletics operations.
Athletics Department Scrapbooks
Newsclippings of University of Idaho athletic events.
Nancy Atkinson collection
Scrapbook from co-workers at retirement from U of I Library, university certificates, and correspondence.
Ralph M. Audrieth papers
Poems, photographs, and reminiscence of a students life at the University of Idaho in 1924-1925.
Louis August papers
This collection contains materials associated with Louis August and the University of Idaho's boxing club (1931-1976)
Adam Aulbach scrapbook
Personal effects, letters, and newspaper clippings collected by Adam Aulbach.
Aurum Mining Company records
Correspondence and organizational, stock, financial, ore production, plant, personnel, and other records of a group of mines in the Republic District of northeastern Washington state.