Showing Collections: 511 - 520 of 1295
Idaho Tax Information Ledger
This collection contains one book that details tax information in Idaho in 1934, including graphs, information about levies and bonds, and comparisons from earlier years.
Idaho Telephone and Business Directories
Telephone and business directories for communities across Idaho.
Idaho Third District Federation of Women's Clubs records
Constitution and bylaws, secretary's correspondence and financial files, minutes of state and district conventions, treasurer's record books and check registers, convention registration records and programs, and five scrapbooks.
Idaho Union List of Serials records
The Idaho State Library Board adopted the recommendation of Idaho's Advisory Council on LSCA (Library Services and Construction Act) Title III in 1967. Correspondence about the serial holdings of the participating libraries, status reports on the project of compiling the union list, and computer printouts.
Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale publications
The Idaho-Washington Concert Choral performed from 2000-2011. This collection contains concert programs, posters, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the performances of the Chorale. In 2011, the organization changed its name to the Palouse Choral Society.
Idahonian photographs collection
Collection of photographs taken by the Idahonian newspaper.
Edward John Iddings scrapbooks and lantern slides
Edward John Iddings scrapbook
This collection contains photographs, programs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia of his career at Colorado Agricultural College.
Idora Mining Company records
Correspondence letterpress book, financial ledgers and journal, and assay records of a silver-lead mine in the Beaver Mining District of the Coeur d'Alene region of northern Idaho.
IJC Book collection
Published items relating to the history of jazz.