Showing Collections: 281 - 290 of 1294
John E. Dixon papers
Norma Dobler papers
Correspondence, notes, transcripts of speeches, newspaper clippings, photocopies of legislation, and publications concerning her career as a politician, a member of the League of Women Voters, and a delegate to the 1977 National Women's Conference in Houston.
Richard Dodson collection on E. E. "Doc" Smith and science fiction
Jean Chalmers Donaldson papers
This collection includes correspondence with friends and publishers concerning Donaldson’s poems; typescripts of poems, some with penciled corrections; certificates and notices if awards; newspaper clippings; and scores of two musical works for which she wrote the words: "Looking for a Vision in White", and "he apostles speak: Peter".
Lisa Van Doren collection of Idaho CCC photographs
Photographs of CCC members stationed at Rock Creek Camp F-402 in Idaho.
Dorothy Carter Moote et al. Reminiscences
Personal reminiscences of eight women about growing up together in Moscow, Idaho.
Mildred Dole Downing photograph collection
Photographs of Mildred Downings travels. Also includes some postcards.
Peter Paul Drus letter to Harold Cornelison regarding University of Idaho vandal illustration; Baby Joe Vandal statuette
A 1946 letter from Peter Paul Drus to Harold Cornelison regarding Drus's illustration (figurine) of the University of Idaho Vandal mascot; attached is a 1964 note from Harold Cornelison providing context for the 1946 letter. A 12-inch bronze- and silver-painted statuette of unknown material depicting the University of Idaho Vandal mascot, attributed to Peter Paul Drus and created in approximately 1924. Statuette commonly referred to as "Baby Joe" or "Baby Joe Vandal."