Found in 37 Collections and/or Records:
Associated Women Students records
The records include constitution, regulations, officer lists, constitutional amendments, duties of council members and committees, handbooks, meeting minutes, financial documents, and programs of social events.
Mildred Edith Burlingame papers
Research and bibliographic notes on various aspects of psychology, copies of articles and other writings; letters from Burlingame's mother and sister; photographs (including transparencies, negatives, and mounted prints) of the Palouse Region, travels in the Pacific Northwest, and Burlingame's flower garden.
Corlann Gee Bush papers
Correspondence, reports, and other mailings concernings women's issues, including material from the American Association of University Women, the International Women's Year, and the Taking Hold of Technology Workshop. Also cassette tapes primarily of interviews with rural women.
Lee Morse collection
Lee Morse was an American singer and songwriter. The collection includes mainly photographs and sound recordings.
Collection on Woman Suffrage in Idaho
Holographic manuscript of a joint resolution passed in the 1895 Idaho Legislature to amend the state constitution to extend the vote to women.
Lucy Mix Day papers
Personal financial records, including voucher registers, 1941-1969, and general ledgers, 1920-1969, of Mrs. Jerome Day.
Norma Dobler papers
Correspondence, notes, transcripts of speeches, newspaper clippings, photocopies of legislation, and publications concerning her career as a politician, a member of the League of Women Voters, and a delegate to the 1977 National Women's Conference in Houston.
Dorothy Carter Moote et al. Reminiscences
Personal reminiscences of eight women about growing up together in Moscow, Idaho.
Faculty Women's Club records
Notebook of policies and procedures, minutes, treasurer's records, membership directories, and recprds covering special events and projects of the Faculty Women's Club which was active on the University of Idaho campus from 1913 to 1993.
Eleanor K. Heningham papers
Professional materials, manuscripts, photographs, correspondence, and other items