Found in 1016 Collections and/or Records:
Fred H. Saylor scrapbooks
This collection contains 12 Scrapbooks full of pictures, pieces of magazines, newspapers, maps and articles with vast information about the history of Oregon from 1600 to mid-20 century. Also includes myths, legends, and traditions of the Native Races of America.
John Albright Schenk papers
Research data concerning forest entomology research conducted by John A. Schenk, Molly Stock, and Karel Stoszek; includes maps, photographs and microscope slides.
Chris Schnept photographs
Prints, negatives, and newspaper articles relating to timber production compiled by Russell Slade, Extension Farm Forester out of St. Maries, Idaho. Includes tours and field trips to local organizations and schools.
David Schrader papers
The materials within this collection are slides taken of the Selway Crags, which are located in the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness of north central Idaho and a package sent from David Schrader to Dennis Baird.
Agnes Crawford Schuldt paper
Personal and professional correspondence and photographs relating to her music teaching, her family, friends, home and garden.
Sci-Fi Book collection
Science Fiction books.
Walter Preston Scott scrapbook
Scrapbook made and kept by University of Idaho student, Walter Preston Scott.
Seminarium Botanicum of the University of Idaho records
Materials relating to the botanical science club and a tape recording of Ernst Besey reminiscing of its founding. Includes minutes, certificates, constitutions, correspondence, and other materials.
Senator Borah letters to Doremus Scudder
Letters from Senator Borah to Doremus Scudder on political views and foreign policy.
Senator W. E. Borah correspondence
Correspondence between Senator W. E. Borah and other congressmen, party members, and consitutents. Also, contains other records.