Showing Collections: 761 - 770 of 1295
Northport Smelting and Refining Company records
Correspondence and organizational, financial, ore treatment, personnel, and insurance records of a Northport, Washington, lead smelter, including records of a predecessor corporation, the Northport Mining & Smelting Company.
Northwest Archivists Papers
Documents of an effort to form a regional archivists group.
Northwest District American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) records
Collection contains various materials sourced from the Northwest District AAHPERD (American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance). Materials in this collection range from financial documents to correspondence regarding this organization.
Northwest Historical Postcard collection
This collection contains postcards featuring images from Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Montana, British Columbia, and Alberta, from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century.
John Coleman Nunemaker scrapbook
This collection contains a scrapbook created and kept by John Coleman Nunemaker presumably during his time finishing his pre-med degree at the University of Idaho.
Helen McKelvey Oakley papers
The collection, An Alphabet of Christmas Words, spans the years 1963-1967. Included in the collection are preliminary research notes, early drafts, manuscript, galley proofs, mock-up, and three copies of the printed booklet, two signed by the author; also, correspondence with the publisher Oxford University Press and letters commenting on the booklet.
Obituaries of Latah County, Idaho scrapbook
Newspaper obituaries of Latah County, Idaho.
Occurrance of the geometrid, Anacamptodes clivinaria guenee, on curlleaf mountain mahogany in Owyhee County, Idaho : typescript
Paper by Malcolm M. Furniss regarding anacamptodes clivinaria guenee occurances on mahongany in Owyhee County, Idaho.
Office of Price Administration, Latah County, Idaho records
Albert J. Ohlson Photographs
Glass lantern slides, mostly hand-tinted, of locations and recreation along the Salmon and Lemhi Rivers in and around Salmon, Idaho.