Object 19
Contains 20 Results:
(unlabeled), 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
(unlabeled), 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
Indian Boat races July 5 - 1952 La Push, 5 July 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
Coast Guard Sta. La Push, 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
(unlabeled), 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
(unlabeled), 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
"query" printed in Nov. 1952 picture of the month competition use on P.S.A. journal 1st place (nature div. is class 6), 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
(unlabeled), 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
"Northern Beaches" picture of the month competition 2nd place class 3 amateur landscape class, Nov 1952 P.S.A. journal, November 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.
Salmon Bake La Push July 1952, July 1952
Photographs in envelopes arranged primarily by location (i.e. trip). Items were transferred to archival holders, keeping the original order.