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Women in Natural Resources collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: UG 083

Content Description

Women in Natural Resources (WiNR) was a unique journal in the field of natural resources, combining the best elements of a technical journal, the informal style of a newsletter, and the reader-friendly format of a magazine. It was designed and written by women at all levels in forestry, fisheries, wildlife, range, recreation, soils, and the environmental and social sciences as they relate to natural resources. Contributers were women in management, in federal and state agencies, on faculties, in labs, in the business world, and in the consulting field. See "Past Articles of WiNR".

The materials in the WiNR Collection span from 1979-2022, with a bulk of the materials covering 1990-1997.

This collection includes a majority of materials pertaining to Editing Files and Advertisements. These documents would be submitted to the published WiNR Journals and include the following: submissions, written feedback, correspondence, photographs, advertisements, receipts, personal notes, magazines and clippings. A majority of correspondence is addressed to Dixie Ehrenreich, the managing editor of the journals from 1983 to 1999, who also responds to submissions with written feedback. The Digital Materials were collected by Flori Tulli, an English graduate student and Library Dean Fellow in Special Collections. Her interviews with WiNR contributors, which include transcripts and audio files, were added to the Collection in 2022.


  • Creation: 1979-2022

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Biographical / Historical

The publication of the WiNR journal began as an informal newsletter between some of the women faculty in the University of Idaho’s Department of Forestry. It was born out of a necessity to find solidarity with other women professionals as they entered the male-dominated Forestry Field. Subsequently, the newsletter allowed these women to share their experiences of hardship, success and discovery.

The journal was initiated by Linda Donohue of the North Central Forest Experiment Station in December, 1979. Originally called Women in Forestry, its first moto is as follows: "The intent of the newsletter is to build a communication and support network among career oriented women in Forest Service—not just for professional Foresters, but for all interested women. We hope it succeeds." This sentiment would echo throughout future volumes and later encompass women of all Natural Resource fields, including those inside and outside the University, private or public sectors, local to international levels. By 1987, the group renamed themselves Women in Natural Resources (WiNR) with the moto "for professionals in forestry, wildlife, range, fisheries, recreation, and related fields.”

WiNR continued to cover a broad scope of submissions: personal experiences, research, history, surveys, conference papers, art, and poetry. Eventually, the group began to publish digital articles alongside hard-copies in 1996. After a thirty-four year legacy of collection material, the journal finally ended in December 2013. From its fruition to its end, this publication aimed to serve as a supportive community for women in Natural Resource fields.

The WiNR journal could not have been successful without its contributors. Dixie Ehrenreich was not only the managing editor of WiNR but also was instrumental in supporting the first three women at the University of Idaho to receive tenure in Forest Resources: Molly Stock, Jo Ellen Force, and Lauren Fins. Dixie, Molly and Jo Ellen would be key contributors and supporters of the journal throughout the 1980-90s. When Molly finally stepped down as contributing editor, Karen Lyman took her place for the rest of the print publications, alongside Lei Bammel, until 1998. Many of the journal’s interviews were conducted by Daina Dravnieks Apple, member of the Women in Land Management Agencies (WILMA). Dean Zwight was also the long-standing cartoonist for the journal, filling most volumes with expressive drawings of women’s experiences working in Natural Resources. Even John Jr. Ehrenreich, Dixie’s son, contributed as the journal’s business manager from 1990 to 1994. After 17 years as managing editor, Dixie finally resigned in 1999 to allow Sandra Martin, former research scientist for the United States Forsest Service (USFS), to lead the helm.

There are many more long-standing, active contributors of WiNR not detailed here. You can learn more about them in the “Historical Note References” below.


6 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



WiNR was a University of Idaho organization of faculty and staff. Office files from the WiNR organization include published Journals, Editing Files, and Advertisements. The Editing Files comprise of submissions, visual materials, correspondence between the editors and writers, written feedback and referencial material. Digital Materials include office files, interview transcripts, and audio files.


The material from the collection had no specific order, but all material was pre-foldered and labeled with each folder having a designated topic. The collection is arranged in three series by the original designated topics as follow: 1. Journals, 2. Editing Files, 3. Advertisements. Digital Materials are included online. The contents of this collection are arranged chronologically.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials were received from the Women in Natural Resources in 2000 (MA 2000-15). Digital materials were received by Flori Tulli in 2022.

Existence and Location of Copies

Selected journals and photographs have been digitized as the Women in Natural Resources digital collection.

Guide to Women in Natural Resources collection
Finding aid prepared by Flori Tulli; updated by Sara Szobody in 2023.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English.
Funding to process this collection was supported through generous donations from Gary and Carolyn Strong and Dixie Ehrenreich.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository