Theodore Roosevelt and UI President James MacLean with crowd., 11 April 1911
Content Description
Photographs and negatives taken by Wilfrid Waters when he was a student at the University of Idaho. Also includes postcards or professional photos that Waters collected during this time. Subjects include social activities such as campus and Greek events and informal gatherings, university students, College of Agriculture events and topics, and athletic events.
- Creation: 11 April 1911
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
1 item : Correspondence from Wilfrid Waters to his mother in Nezperce, Idaho on back of card. "Colonel Roosevelt at Moscow Idaho, Burns photo #3" on face of card. "Teddy" and "Prexy" handwritten on t. Photographer: Robert Burns, Pullman, WA. 3.5x5.5 black and white postcard
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository