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Wilfrid Waters photograph collection

Identifier: PG 102

Content Description

Photographs and negatives taken by Wilfrid Waters when he was a student at the University of Idaho. Also includes postcards or professional photos that Waters collected during this time. Subjects include social activities such as campus and Greek events and informal gatherings, university students, College of Agriculture events and topics, and athletic events.


  • Creation: 1911-1917

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Biographical / Historical

Wilfrid William Waters was born 3 December 1892 in Hillsboro, Oregon. Waters moved to Nezperce, Idaho and called that home for the rest of his life. He attended the University of Idaho from 1911-1915, graduating with a bachelor of science in Agriculture. Wilfrid was a member of the Alpha Kappa Epsilon fraternity, which became Phi Gamma Delta shortly after he graduated. Wilfrid went back to be initiated and was a lifelong member of the "Fiji" house.

He married Effie Jolly in 1917. They had two children, Wilfrid Jr. and Margaret Nell. The collection was donated by Margaret Nell Longeteig, shortly after William passed away in 1972.


0.25 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



Images of University of Idaho students, campus social events, agricultural topics, and athletic events, taken or collected by Wilfrid Waters.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials received from Margaret Nell Longeteig in 1974 (MA 1998-16).

Related Materials

Related materials may be found in MG 5760 Wilfrid Waters University of Idaho Memorabilia.

Guide to Wilfrid Waters photograph collection
Finding aid prepared by Amy Thompson
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository