Taste Fair photos, 29 August 1998
Content Description
Photos, lay-outs, clip-art, and advertisements used in the newsletters published by the Moscow Food Co-op. Also some correspondence about the use of the photos and advertisements. The materials in this collection highlight events held by the Co-op, staff and volunteers, and local businesses that supported or sold good at the Co-op.
- Creation: 29 August 1998
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
33 Photographic Prints : color prints and negatives: Nick Ogle, [Board] Pres; [Tow] Phil stirring up; B'day Cake; Kristi serving the mob; Vicki Reich; tasters; Kate Schalk, Bill London, Jime Gale "Let's Move;" [Tow] Phil, Bruce Peterson; Chris Pannchuk, Bill London, George Hall; Taste fair; customers; tasters; Skyler (Dawson Taylor Coffee), Vicki Reich; "Let's Move" fundraiser, Jim Gale, Jeanne Leffingwell; Skyler flipping burgers; Skyler (Dawson Taylor Coffee); Kristi pouring more juice; tasters; Let's Move!, Kate Schalk, Bill London, Jim Gale; little tasters; Kristi and Bruce Peterson MPNW; Let's Move!, Jeanne Leffingwell, Jim Gale; Let's Move!, Jeanne Leffingwell, Jim Gale; Bruce Peterson MPMW; Kristi cutting anniversary cake; Kristi cutting cake; produce; produce; bulk area; old bins; case stack; case stack; Kristi serving cake 25th anniversary
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository