Showing Collections: 531 - 540 of 1295
Irrigation Systems Management/Research (Pakistan Project) records
Financial records, reports, papers concerning the procurement of equipment personnel files, correspondence and other office files, and photographs and slides of the Pakistan field office in the University of Idaho home office relating to a water resource management project in Lahore.
J.H. Jacobson report on Idaho agriculture
The contents of the J.H. Jacobson Report on Idaho Agriculture span the years 1922-1926. Data in the report was compiled at the request of the War Finance Corporation (U.S.) and includes maps and carbon typescripts of reports by J.H. Jacobson and county agents.
C.E. Jacoby Photographs
Black and white photographs and negatives of Twin Falls and Shoshone Falls in Idaho.
James R. Fazio papers
James R. Fazio was a forestry professor at the University of Idaho and was friends with author Michael Frome. This collection is his personal papers.
Allen Sheeley Janssen Papers
State engineering exams, outlines and exams for courses; material related to a military construction battalion; records of Janssen's involvement in Pacific Consultants, Bonneville Power Administration, Moscow Chamber of Commerce, and Civil Defense.
Allen Sheeley Janssen papers
Personal and professional papers of engineering professor Allen Janssen concerning administration, teaching, research, and civic activities.
Jane Jarvis papers
Jane Jarvis was a jazz pianist. The collection includes newspaper clippings, concert fliers and programs, arrangements, scores, and a Thomas electronic organ.
Gerald A. Jayne papers
Dwight Smithson Jeffers papers
Course syllabi and other drafts of publications.