Showing Collections: 191 - 200 of 1294
Coalition for Central America records
Correspondence, newsletters, news clippings, minutes, financial reports, membership lists, and research materials of a Moscow area civic group formed to change U.S. foreign policy in Central America.
David Cochran correspondence
Correspondence and records relating to the nomination of Alexander J. Fox to the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Cold damage to ponderosa pine in Spokane County, Washington
A study on the damage cold does to the ponderosa pine tree.
Collection on Dizzy Gillespie
Dizzy Gillespie was a jazz trumpeter, percussionist, pianist, and vocalist. This collection includes memorabilia that belonged to the artist.
Lee Morse collection
Lee Morse was an American singer and songwriter. The collection includes mainly photographs and sound recordings.
Collection on Stanton G. Fisher
Writings and memorabilia of Stanton Gilbert Fisher, pioneer and Nez Perce War scout, 1840-1915. Most of the documents are Nez Perce War collectibles, such as maps, photographs, and accounts of the war and its participants. The rest of the papers are personal materials related to Fisher, including autobiographical materials as well as the correspondence and census records of several of his family members.
Collection on the "Flight of the Salmon Fly: a reconnaissance trip down the River of No Return, Salmon River, Idaho June 20 to July 2, 1944"
The collection consists primarily of a report written by senior engineer K.M. MacDuffie, from logs of a trip down the Salmon River in 1944 by members of the Army Corps of Engineers. The logs were kept by senior engineers L.E. Rydell, S.E. Sporseen and F.O. McGrew and detail their crew's trip June 20-July 2, 1944. The Salmon Fly in the collection title is in reference to the name of boat on which the engineers traveled.
Collection on Vandal Training and Scouting Films
Digitizations of films and tapes of University of Idaho football games and men’s basketball games made for training and scouting purposes.