Showing Collections: 151 - 160 of 1294
Mark B. Calnon, Jr. collection
Papers, correspondence, and University of Idaho materials kept by U of I alumni, Mark B. Calnon, Jr.
Mark B. Calnon, Sr. collection
WWII POW Experience memorabilia including books, photos, framed collages/prints, medals and other items.
Camas Prairie Railroad Time Tables collection
One oversize scrapbook of Camas Prarie Railroad time tables and correspondence.
Frank Cameron manuscript on the The Northwest Boundary Commission
Campus Christian Center collection
Organization documents, financial material, photographs and news media, fraternity memorabilia, scrapbooks, and memorials.
Canal deliveries from Boise River and different features affecting these deliveries for the irrigation season of 1928, 1929 report
Report on canal deliveries from Boise River and different features affecting these deliveries for the irrigation season of 1928.
Joshua Harlan Carey records
Correspondence, both personal and professional; papers relating to Dr. Carey's personal interests such as bird watching; items concerning his professional life as a pediatric neurologist; financial records, both personal and professional; and a collection of 16 mm. movie film documenting Dr. Elizabeth Crosby's neurological research using monkeys.
David C. Carlson naval literature report
Report upon the need for naval literature in the University of Idaho Library.
Andrew Carnegie letters to Mary E. Forney
Letters from James Bertram, personal secretary of Andrew Carnegie and R.A. Franks, his cashier, to Mary E. Forney, secretary of the library committee, concerning the gift of a Carnegie library to Moscow, Idaho.
Howard B. Carpenter papers
Howard B. Carpenter was a U. S. Deputy Surveyor charged to survey the watershed divide at the crest of the Bitterroot Mountains between Idaho and Montana. The materials in this collection include three leather-bound volumes of his notes penned from 1904 to 1906.