Showing Collections: 121 - 130 of 1294
Buddhist Peace Fellowship collection
Newsletters and magazines produced by the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, starting as the Buddhist Peace Fellowship Newsletter from 1979-1990 then continuing as the Turning Wheel Magazine from 1990-2010.
Budget Office Budget Books collection
U of I operating budget sheets.
Collier H. Buffington letter to Ray Johnson
Letter soliciting support for 1914 campaign of Robert O. Jones for Republican congressional nomination.
Dan Bukvich music archive
The collection is original scores, sketches, parts, auxiliary material, and settings by Dan Bukvich. They are arranged by piece, and include very well organized sketches and working files, original handwritten manuscripts, and final score and parts.
Bundles for Britain correspondence
Correspondence, memoranda, and photographs concerning a donation from the University of Idaho students' Moscow Branch of Bundles for Britain to the Bristol Royal Hospital.
Bunker Chance Mining Company correspondence
Correspondence concerning Bunker Chance's plans to develop Bogovich mining claims in Wardner, Idaho.
Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company Legal Cases
Eleven typed transcripts and 2 vols. of exhibits for cases resulting from claims disputes involving Bunker Hill, Empire State-Idaho Mining and Developing Co., and Last Chance Mining Company.
Bunker Hill Company Research and Development Division records
Brochures issued by the company, organizational manuals, research and development project reports, legal documents concerning electric power rates, flow charts, aerial photographs of the plant and smelter, and visitor registers.
Bunker Hill Company records
Organizational records, correspondence, financial records, legal records, capital stock records, personnel records, scrapbooks, company news letters, photographs and maps of a large lead-zinc mine and smelter headquartered in Kellogg, Idaho. Also records of affiliated and subsidiary companies, such as Pend Oreille Mines and Metals, Reeves MacDonald Mining Company, and Caledonia Mining Company.