Box 1
Contains 51 Results:
Valentine's Day Cards, 1900; 1906; 1912
Most of these cards were given to Eva Duthrie. One is a pop-up card in fragile condition.
Christmas Cards, undated
Christmas cards from various people.
Easter Card, 1897
Image of two doves on a branch holding a dogwood sprig between them. Between the doves is a blue egg with gold stars which says, "A very happy Easter." Above the egg is a yellow ribbon. The back of the card says, "To Eva from W. A. Moore, Easter, '97."
Birthday Card, December 1901
Front of card has bow and flowers pictured and says "Fond Greeting." Inside it is signed by Mrs. Smith, S. S. Teacher. Back is signed Eva Duthie from Mrs. Smith, December 1901.
Miscellaneous Cards, 1902-1904
Various types of cards from various people. One in particular is leather.
Florence Corbett Johnston, January 31, 1932 - July 31, 1935
Letters between Florence Corbett Johnston, winner of the first Watkins Medal, and Mary Belle Sweet, first university librarian.
Liberty Loan Bonds window sticker, undated
Square window stickers for the third liberty bond drive of World War One.
"Ring Me Again" Liberty Loan Bond, 1918
Third Liberty Loan "Ring Me Again" doorknob advertisement. Printed by R. E. Devney, Cleveland, OH.
Patents, December 22, 1891; September 09, 1902
Patents submitted by Arthur W. Robinson of the Friction-Clutch, the Dredge-Bucket, the Boom for Dredges, Excavators, & c., and Hoisting-gear for Dipper-buckets for Use Upon Dredges, Steam-shovels, & c.