Box 33
Contains 11 Results:
Space Shuttle
The space shuttle was in the early planning stages when this material was collected. 'The only items in the folder are several newspaper clippings about the possibility of a reuseable shuttle, pamphlets, two NASA fact sheets, and photographs of drawings depicting shuttle missions and uses.
The material on this project includes the NASA mission report on the Mariner 6 & 7 voyage to Mars, the press kit for the journey of Mariner 9 to Mars, an article by Roger Bourke and Joseph Beerer entitled "Mariner Mission to Venus and Mercury in 1973", and five photographs of Venus taken by Mariner in 1974.
photographs of Venus
The only items pertaining to Pioneer's voyage to Jupiter are a NASA release regarding press briefings and two photographs of Jupiter taken by the Pioneer spacecraft.
photos of Jupiter
photos of drawings of Venus explorer spacecraft
Viking (Mars)
Material relating to the Viking landing on Mars includes an article on the project by James Martin, several NASA publications including the press kit for the encounter, photographs of the Viking lander, and a film entitled "Viking A: Spacecraft Preparations." The final item is a tape recording dealing with the project.