Box 5
Contains 15 Results:
Supplier Information
There is a great deal of information on flight instruments, the crawler transporter, and scientific experiments supplied by the Bendix Corporation. Other contractors for the mission include Boeing, Collins Radio Company, Dow Chemical Company, General Electric, General Precision Systems, Grumman Aerospace Corporation, McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, RCA, Ryan Aeronautical Company, TRW, and Western Union International.
Magazine Articles
Fifth Anniversary, 16 July 1964
The material relating to this anniversary includes four NASA news releases, a press kit, the official program at the Kennedy Space Center, two issues of Spaceport News, and two photographs, one taken at launch complex 39, the other at the special service in Washington Cathedral, July 21, 1974.
NASA Photos
a) Crew of Apollo 11 b) Astronaut entering trailer for test c) Dr. Mueller d) Geroge M. Low e) Lasar Ranging Retro-Reflector f) Passive Seismometer g) Biologial Isolation Garment
Official Apollo 11 emblem & 10 photos taken of mission
Artist Craig Kavafes conception of lunar module on the moon; printed by Grumman
Lunar Science Conference, Houston, Texas, January 5-8, 1970
Two photos of panelists; seven photos of lunar samples.