Box 1
Contains 14 Results:
Constitution der Hermannssohne Schwestern-Logen im Staate Washington, 1897
The material in this group consists of correspondence, a minute book, financial records, and printed material for both the Sons of Hermann and the ladies lodge--Sisters of the Sons of Hermann.
Halb/Viertel Jahres Bericht der Frauen-Loge, blank half or quarter years report book
The material in this group consists of correspondence, a minute book, financial records, and printed material for both the Sons of Hermann and the ladies lodge--Sisters of the Sons of Hermann.
Medical reports of applicants to the female lodge, 1899
The material in this group consists of correspondence, a minute book, financial records, and printed material for both the Sons of Hermann and the ladies lodge--Sisters of the Sons of Hermann.
Orden der Hermannssöhne, Holzer-Loge No. 11 records
Correspondence, minute book, financial records, printed rules and other records of the Uniontown lodge of the Sons of Hermann and its auxiliary, Sisters of the Sons of Hermann.