Box 192
Contains 40 Results:
Blast Furnace Feed System Progress Report, 1976-1977
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Regulation "S" Start-up, Shutdown and Malfunction Regulations, Litigation, 1975-1977
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Air Quality Criteria for Sulfur Dioxides Study, 1969-1970, 1980
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Summary and Conclusion of Study, 1969
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Air Quality Improvements through Reduction in Low Level Emissions, 1974, 1976
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Control of Emissions- Primary Nonferrous Smelting Industry, 1969-1970
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Control of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in Copper Smelting, 1971
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Status Report On Sulfur Dioxides, 1974
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Sulfur Dioxide Articles, 1977-1978
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Economic Impacts of Sulfur Dioxides Regulations, 1972-1977
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.