Box 188
Contains 20 Results:
Residential Yard Remediation Bids from US Pollution Control, Inc./Steffen Robertson & Kirsten Engineers, 1991
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Residential Yard Remediation Bids from American Energy and Environmental Engineering/Riedel Environmental Services, 1991
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Residential Yard Remediation Bids from Zanetti Brothers/Ebasco Environmental, 1991
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Residential Yard Remediation Bids from Ebasco Environmental, 1991
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Residential Yard Remediation Correspondence/Working File, 1991
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Residential Yard Remediation Blueprints/Plans, 1992
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Data for the Environmental Protection Agency, 1990
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Data on Central Treatment Plant Sludge, 1976-1979
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Bunker Hill Remedial Investigation Report Vol. 1, 1992
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Bunker Hill Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Technical Memorandum- Hillside Stabilization and Revegetation, 1992
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.