Box 5
Contains 26 Results:
Oregon Corporation Dissolution, 1923-1924
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Organization, 1920-1924
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Preferred Stockholder Correspondence, 1942
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Quotations on Products & Services, 1963-1965
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Report on Possible Peruvian Lead Smelter, 1956
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Reynard Press, 1941
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Scholle Brothers, 1935-39
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Sinclair, Bartlett Loan, 1920
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Smoke Inspections/Easements, 1940-1954
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.
Star Mine Zinc Reports, 1921-1922
The records of Bunker Hill/Pintlar span the years 1887 to 1996, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1968 to 1996.
Included in the collection are administrative records, correspondence, Superfund work plans and proposals, media coverage, litigation documents, financial records, personnel information and stockholder records.