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Michael C. Mix papers
Papers and documents used in writing "Leaded. The Poisoning of Idaho's Silver Valley."
Alstad, Allen
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Boyd, James
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Breysse, P.
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Camm, Gill
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Chisolm, Julius
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Coggins, Truman
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Cole, Jerome
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Dixon, Fritz
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Edwards, Harry
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.