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Box 2


Contains 13 Results:

Michael C. Mix papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MG 578

Papers and documents used in writing "Leaded. The Poisoning of Idaho's Silver Valley."

Dates: 1970-2010

Unsealing the Yoss v. Bunker Hill case records, 1990

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 27
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1990

Edna Yoss Annuity problems, 1987-1988

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 28
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1987-1988

Brown/Woodruff settlement calculation for the children suffering from lead poisoning as a result of by-passing baghouse  

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 29
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1970-2010

Transcript of “anonymous” call from Bunker Hill employee to an attorney in the Yoss case “spilling the beans” on Bunker Hill , 09 June 1977

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 30
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 09 June 1977

Documents about death threats

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 31
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1970-2010

Shoshone County Lead Study , 1976

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 32
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1976

Gulf SEC filings  

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 33
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1970-2010

Ninth Circuit docket for Bunker Hill v. EPA case , 1975-1983

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 34
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1975-1983

EPA documents

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 35-36
Content Description From the Collection:

Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.

Dates: 1970-2010