Box 2
Contains 13 Results:
Michael C. Mix papers
Papers and documents used in writing "Leaded. The Poisoning of Idaho's Silver Valley."
Unsealing the Yoss v. Bunker Hill case records, 1990
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Edna Yoss Annuity problems, 1987-1988
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Brown/Woodruff settlement calculation for the children suffering from lead poisoning as a result of by-passing baghouse
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Transcript of “anonymous” call from Bunker Hill employee to an attorney in the Yoss case “spilling the beans” on Bunker Hill , 09 June 1977
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Documents about death threats
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Shoshone County Lead Study , 1976
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Gulf SEC filings
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
Ninth Circuit docket for Bunker Hill v. EPA case , 1975-1983
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.
EPA documents
Michael C. Mix was a full professor and the Head of the Biology Department at Oregon State University. He wrote Leaded: The Poisoing of Idaho's Silver Valley in 2016. Much of the research resources used in this publication came from the University of Idaho. This is a collection of that research, which includes correspondence, court cases, newspaper articles, and more related documents.