Box 1
Contains 56 Results:
Folder 37: NACCCA In Memorium, 3 September 1980 - 5 February 1986
File — Box: 1, Folder: 37
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
3 September 1980 - 5 February 1986
Folder 38: Douglas Eier Obituary and Correspondance, 2001-2005
File — Box: 1, Folder: 38
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
Folder 39: NACCCA 20th Anniversary, 1977-1997, 3 September 1997
File — Box: 1, Folder: 39
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
3 September 1997
Folder 40: NACCCA Membership Lists, 1998
File — Box: 1, Folder: 40
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
Folder 41: Personal Correspondance - Company 1651 Camp Boehl, Elk River, 1985
File — Box: 1, Folder: 41
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
Folder 42: NACCCA National Convention, 1985, 1985
File — Box: 1, Folder: 42
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
Folder 43: CCC Worker Chet Wozniak Photos and Memoirs, 1937
File — Box: 1, Folder: 43
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
Folder 44: The CCC Worker Statue Press Coverage, 2006-2013
File — Box: 1, Folder: 44
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
Folder 45: Iron Mike Statue I, 1988 - 22 January 2006
File — Box: 1, Folder: 45
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...
1988 - 22 January 2006
Folder 46: Herb VanKirk's Photo Negatives, Idaho, 1987, 1938-1987
File — Box: 1, Folder: 46
Content Description
From the Collection:
The Douglas and Marie Eier Collection contains records relating to the Civilian Conservation Corps and the work of the National Association of Civilian Conservation Corps Alumni’s Lewis-Clark Chapter 28, managed by Douglas and Marie Eier. The collection was taken to the University of Idaho Library on February 11, 2015 by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson. One box was received by Patricia Hart and lvar Nelson from Marie Eier at the Nez Perce Historical Museum on May 29, 2014. A second donation...