Box 4
Contains 30 Results:
Shepherd, R. F. Population Studies of the Mountain Pine Beetle. Calgary (AL) 1962
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
Walters, J. A System of Indirect Control of the Douglas-fir Beetle, Dendroctonus Pseudotsugae Hopk. (Master of Forestry Thesis, University of British Columbia, December, 1954) Vernon (BC) Feb. 1955
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
McMullen, L. H. and J. Walters. Bionomics of the Douglas-fir Beetle Dendroctonus Pseudotsugae of British Columbia. Vernon (BC) Dec. 1956
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
Boreus. Newsletter of Entomological Society of British Columbia. Vols. 1(2), 2(1,2), 3(1,2), 4(1,2), 5(1,2), 6(1,2), 7(1,2), 8(1).
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
Coming of Age in the Flathead. How the British Columbia Forest Service Contended with the Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation of Southeastern British Columbia 1976-1986, by C. Young. May 1988
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
British Columbia Forest history Newsletter. No. 16 (May), 18 (Dec.), 19 (Apr.), 20 (May), 21 (Nov.), 24 (May). Spans 1988-1990)
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
Pest Management Progress. A summary of pest management activities in the British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Lands. Vol. VI, Number 1 (File 190-4 PMP) May 1987
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
Centennial of Entomology in Canada, 1863-1963. A Tribute to Edmund M. Walker. Ed. By Glenn B. Wiggins. University of Toronto Press, 1966
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
Mitchell, R. G. Balsam Woolly Adelgid Assessment in the Pacific Northwest. Oct. 29, 1998 (Draft)
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.
Terrell, T. T. The Flights or Dissemination on Forest Insects. Mar. 2, 1934 (Photocopy)
Published and unpublished federal reports, mainly from the former Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine at Coeur dAlene, ID.