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Fran Rader photograph collection

Identifier: PG 130

Content Description

Photographs of Lewiston and vicinity, towns, peoples, activities. Images were mounted to oversized shiny coated boards with double-sided tape that was starting to fail, with most photos coming loose. Multiple images could often be found on one page. All photos that could be removed from the boards were removed and all images on each page were placed in individual archival folders. Sometimes subjects spanned multiple pages, but to keep with the original order, only photos from each page were placed in one folder. Photos that could not be removed from the backing were trimmed to fit with their corresponding folder. Oversized photos are housed in an oversized box, as noted in the inventory. Some of the photos have handwritten notes on the back giving the description or where the photo originated, such as Engstrom's Studio, but many are unlabled. A few had captions pasted on the boards, those captions were written on the back of the images. For many of the images, it is unknown who the photographer is, or why they were organized as they were.

The collection also contained some correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photocopies of illustrations.


  • Creation: 1860-1998

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Biographical / Historical

Fran Rader was born in Lewiston, Idaho on 3 July 1920. After graduating from Lewiston High School in 1938, she attended Lewiston State Normal School (now Lewis Clark State College) for one year before leaving to attend the International School of Photography at Winona Lake, Indiana. After traveling around the U.S. and Canada, Fran returned to Lewiston to work at the Engstrom Photography Studio before opening her own, Fran Rader's Studio, also in Lewiston, primarily taking family, group, wedding, and senior pictures. In addition to photography, Fran was also a sculptor and painter. In 1994, she suffered a stroke affecting her right side so she taught herself to create left handed. Fran passed away 27 November 2007.


2 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



Mounted photographs of Lewiston and vicinity, towns, peoples, activities; also correspondence, clippings

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials were received from Fran's son, Leo Rader, in 2003 (MA 2003-08).

Guide to Fran Rader photograph collection
Finding aid prepared by Amy Thompson
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository