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Léontine M. Miller and Elisabeth Lapeyre collection

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: MG 563

Content Description

Most of the materials in this collection came from Léontine M. Miller's time teaching French in the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) at the University of Idaho. They include course materials, photographs, French magazines, and other related items. The rest of the collection consists of research files from Elisabeth Lapeyre.


  • Creation: 1915-1999


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Biographical / Historical

Léontine Marie (Lejalu) Miller was born on April 17, 1900 to Jean M. Lejalu and Marie F. Lebonhomme in Trebrivan, Departement des Côtes-d'Armor, Bretagne, France. Little is known about her childhood, or when she found her way to the United States. Eventually she found herself in Moscow,, Idaho after being hired by the University of Idaho during World War II. Within the university's Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP), she taught the French language to the students of AST Unit 3926. The ASTP was designated by the US War Depatrment in 1942 to trian selected soliders in linguistics and cultural and geographic knowledge of certain regions. Léontine's employment lasted only six months, from July 1943 to March 1944. She died on July 11, 1995 in Spokane, Washington.

Elisabeth Lapeyre was a foreign languages and liteature professor at the University of Idaho. She taught French and was a staff member of the French House on campus. In 1996, Elisabeth began researching the ASTP at the University of Idaho and Unit 3926. Her research connected her with Colonel John Miller, son of Léontine. He gave Elisabeth various papers and photographs kept by Léontine, including ASTP member information. Elisabeth reached out to most of the members or their families. In fall of 1998, her research was compiled into an article called "The Army Specicialed Training Program on the Palouse in World War II" which was published Idaho Yesterdays (journal).


1 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials




Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) research, correspondence, photos, publications, newspapers, and other papers from Léontine Marie (LaJalu) Miller and Elisabeth Lapeyre.


Materials in this collection were stacked detoriating cardboard boxes. The items were removed and placed in acid-free folders but were kept in the order they were stacked in.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials donated to Special Collections and Archives in 1999 by Elisabeth Lapeyre.

Guide to Léontine M. Miller and Elisabeth Lapeyre collection
Finding aid prepared by Sara Szobody.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English and French.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository