Irrigation Systems Management/Research (Pakistan Project) records
Scope and Contents
The Records of the ISM/R project span the years 1983 to 1992, with the bulk of the papers covering the years 1985 to 1990.
The papers include the records of the field office in Lahore, Pakistan and the home office at the University of Idaho. Both include financial records, reports, papers concerning the procurement of equipment, personnel files, correspondence and other office files, and photographs, photographic negatives and slides relating to the project.
- Creation: 1983-2003
Language of Materials
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
Biographical / Historical
The Irrigation Systems Management/Research (ISM/R) project was based on the premise that resource management can be improved through interdisciplinary, interagency sponsored research that is directed to participants. These participants included both government officials and farmers who needed new techniques and information in order to maintain good water resource management. The objective of the ISM research project was "to improve the capability of scientists and institutions to manage and conduct irrigation research which will lead to better use of irrigation water in Pakistan."
This project was a cooperative venture between the University of Idaho, Washington State University and Development Alternatives, Inc., in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the World Bank to design and later implement a comprehensive water management research program for the Punjab and Sind regions of Pakistan. The program began in the fall of 1985 and continued through March 1991.
The ISM research program was made up of two interrelated and complementary parts: a) a set of water management research projects which addressed national objectives and research needs of Pakistan and b) institution-building activities which focused on technical training and the development of a well-organized, well-managed, and integrated water management research program for Pakistan. The eight projects and the agencies responsible for their management were: Farm Water Management (PARC and WAPDA), Beyond Watercourse Improvement (WAPDA), Farmer Involvement in Water Management (PCRWR), Integrated Watercourse Management (WAPDA), Public and Private Tubewell Performance, (WAPDA), Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin (WAPDA), Surface Drainage and Water Table Control (DRIP), and Groundwater Models (WAPDA). Each project's designated lead institution was responsible for overall project management. Principal investigators from participating agencies worked closely with University of Idaho advisors on project design and implementation.
In addition to short term and long term Americans advisors working in Pakistan, the project provided for Pakistani engineers and other professionals involved in water resource management to attend short courses or training sessions at American Universities.
17 cubic feet
Financial records, reports, papers concerning the procurement of equipment personnel files, correspondence and other office files, and photographs and slides of the Pakistan field office in the University of Idaho home office relating to a water resource management project in Lahore.
A majority of the material in this archival group was in labeled folders when received. The records represent the files of both the Field Office in Lahore, Pakistan and the Home Office at the University of Idaho. Although duplication of material does occur, most notably in the technical directives, TDY reports and telexes and faxes, both sets of records were retained to reflect the activities and interrelationship of both offices. Each of these two series has parallel subseries which are designated financial, reports, procurement of equipment, personnel, office, and photographs.
The first series contains the records of the Field Office. Subseries one contains the financial records and includes cash and voucher journals, checkbook stubs, travel claims and bank statements, all of which show expenditures by the office for local goods and services. These expenses were reimbursed by USAID.
The reports include technical directives, called task orders early in the project, which authorized and described in detail the various projects undertaken by the program. Also included are short- term advisor reports whose numbers correspond to the technical directives, in-country training program proposals and reports, and symposium proceedings. The proposals and reports are in numerical order and a complete list is contained in appendices I-IV.
The third subseries is Procurement which consists of lists of equipment purchased for use by the project.
Personnel, the fourth subseries, contains reports on the participant training program, lists of expatriates working in Pakistan on ISM/R, and personnel files for Pakistani employees of the project.
The final subseries contains photographs of several irrigation projects in Pakistan and views of the surrounding countryside.
Home Office Records comprise the second series. The subseries are in the same order as the Field Office Records.
The financial records contain detailed yearly budgets for the project including projected and actual expenditures.
The reports section consists of technical directives and short-term advisor or TDY reports. These are arranged alphabetically by author as opposed to the numerical arrangement in the Field Office Records.
The procurement of equipment subseries contains extensive records concerning the authorization for and purchase of the equipment shipped to Pakistan. It also contains records of the transfer of this equipment to the Government of Pakistan at the conclusion of the project. This equipment included computers, desks and other office equipment as well as scientific equipment.
The personnel material includes recruitment information for all advisory positions and personnel files of the expatriates working on the project. The third area covered in this subseries is the participant training program which provided for the training in American universities of Pakistani engineers and other professionals who would take over the management of the irrigation systems at the conclusion of the project. Included are correspondence files which detail the setting up of the individual programs, and files on the participants and programs.
The office files contain the project contract, program management information, correspondence, including telexes and faxes, semi-annual and end of tour reports, project reviews, orientation materials for Americans going to Pakistan, copies of the ISM/R newsletter, and reports on the various ISM/R subprojects and training programs.
The photographs in this series include slides used in an introduction to the Palouse for Pakistani visitors, and photographs taken during the Pakistani Project directors tour of Idaho irrigation projects. Also included are a map of the Indian subcontinent and a Lahore guide map.
Because the voucher registers exist, and there is also other summary expenditure information, the vouchers and attached documenting receipts were discarded. Also removed from the collection were duplicate copies of technical directives and reports, and applications of unsuccessful candidates for positions with ISM/R project. In all the records were reduced by 11 cubic feet.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The Records of the Pakistan Project were transferred to the University of Idaho Library by the Agricultural Engineering Department which developed and directed the project, between January and October 1992.
Appendix I. Technical Directives
1 To upgrade the Irrigation Research Institutes in Punjab and Sind by improving their capability to conduct active and relevant research projects with modern equipment and trained personnel. October 20, 1985.
2 To provide equipment specifications in order to expedite procurement and insure that micro computers and software are compatible with needs. April 7, 1986.
3 To prepare equipment specifications to expedite procurement and insure that documentation equipment is compatible with needs. To assist the Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources with the development of a training plan and procedure for library acquisition. To assist PCRWR with the final selection of staff for the Documentation/Information Center. To conduct training in documentation and information dissemination techniques for staff of the center. January 27, 1986.
4 In consultation and working with the professionals of SCARP Monitoring to prepare plans for initiation of the ground water modeling program; evaluate existing data bases and recommend format for collecting and collating data for later use in models; Define the role of the Analog Modeling Cell in the Project. To evaluate the suitability of the Advisor for assignment as the Hydrologist on the Long-term resident contractor team in Pakistan. April 1986
5 To provide needed assistance and advice to personnel implementing the Farm Water Management sub-project. To evaluate the suitability of the Advisor for assignment as the Irrigation Agronomist on the Long term resident contractor team in Pakistan. April 1986.
6 To initiate the Beyond Watercourse Management subproject expeditiously and along lines that permit best use of the available data base. June 1986.
7 To initiate the Surface Drainage and Water Table Control subproject expeditiously and according to the original design. [Larry King]. August 1986.
8 To assist with design of the format for the Competitive Grants activity. [Maurice V. Wiese]. August 1986.
9 To provide on-the-job training to the PCRWR staff who will manage and operate the Documentation/Information Center. September 1986.
10 To initiate the Nitrogen Recovery component of the Farm Water Management subproject with the latest techniques and knowledge. To develop reliable and appropriate techniques to collect data for the Water and Salt Balance study. September 1986.
11 To initiate the Irrigation System outside the Indus Basin subproject expeditiously. October 1986.
12 To construct and maintain earthen watercourses using tractor powered machines. To test machines available in Pakistan for this purpose. To design a role for mechanization in the ISM Research program. October 1986.
13 To conduct an assessment of the computer training needs of researchers and support staff from institutions collaborating with ISMR and design a training program which seeks to enhance the use of computers in their research and management activities. December 10, 1986.
14 To design training courses in groundwater simulation and well hydraulics and performance analysis. To finalize research plans for the public and Private Tubewell subproject. February 1987.
15 To finalize sailaba studies and work plant to be conducted under the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin subproject. April 1987.
16 To design a three-year research plan for the Biotic and Chemical Reclamation of Soils and the Salt Balance studies that are part of the Farm Water management sub-project. March 1987.
17 To review the progress of ISMR in the areas relating to salinity, drainage and water table control, to determine the adequacy of content and degree of duplication with other national programs and, finally, to recommend a course of action for the remaining three project years. April 1987.
18 To determine feasibility of increasing karez discharge. To understand the influence of delay action dams on the adjacent ground water conditions. May 1987.
19 The Short Term Advisor is to assist in the conduction of workshop for the potential collaborators under the Competitive Grants Programme. The participants of the workshop would be trained in writing proposals, and reports/papers. They will also be trained in designing, carrying out and collection and presentation of information obtained from the studies. May 1987.
20 The Short Term Advisor (An Agri-Economist) is to help, organize and train the collaborators for carrying out field research. He may also be required to train the collaborators in the collection and presentation of data obtained from the research under this component of the ISM-R project. May 1987.
21 To select appropriate equipment and provide specifications to expedite procurement. June 1987.
22 To evaluate the Surface Drainage and Water Table Control sub-project and plan its implementation strategy for the next two years. October 1987.
23 To design and test an appropriate method of combining small tubewells with canal supplies in order to optimize production per unit area on a watercourse area. September 1987.
24 To understand dBase III+, its application and where its use is applicable. To design a data base for the mass of data previously collected by the Watercourse Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate. December 1987.
25 To analyse existing data to provide outputs useful to researchers and planners. February 1988.
26 To evaluate the groundwater inventory test sites surrounding pilot karezes and make adjustments where and if needed and prepare a work plan for use of the data in Karez flow augmentation. February 1988.
27 To implement studies and research on the sailaba method of irrigation under the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project. March 1988.
28 The objective of the short-term advisor visit will be to develop ground-water flow and transport modelling skills of SCARP Monitoring researchers through in- country training and cooperative research. March 1988.
29 To compile, from local institutions, relevant research results on the subject of optimizing crop production from limited irrigation water supplies. April 1988.
30 To procure equipment for the Punjab Irrigation Research Institute expeditiously. June 1988.
31 Develop an analysis plan for the database being developed by Watercourse Monitoring and Evaluation. [Dr. Shane Ryland] December 1988.
32 To install laboratory equipment according to design and to use and maintain it correctly and effectively. June 1988.
33 To conduct a midterm review of progress on the Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Management Sub-project and on the Biotic and Chemical Reclamation Sub-project of the Farm Water Management Project, to recommend possible improvements in these programs for the remainder of the current project term, and to suggest fruitful lines of future research on Irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer management and on biotic and chemical reclamation of sodic soils. [Denny V. Naylor] June 1988.
34 To review the progress and work plans of the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project. July 1988.
35 To combine small tubewell discharge with canal supplies in order to optimize production per unit area on a watercourse area where more than one farmer is involved by delivering irrigation water according to crop demand. August 1988.
36 To review the design and progress of the ISM Research Project mid-way through implementation in order to make corrections and/or modifications in design, content or procedures. August 1988.
37 To review the Groundwater modelling and tubewell performance projects evaluate the final two-year work plan. To assess the suitability of the nominated hydrologist for the long- term assignment to the ISMR field team. September 1988.
38 The short term advisor (an applied anthropologist) is required to help the collaborators in organizing the research on scientific methods and to assist them in collection of data during field research and its presentation, under EWU component of ISM-R Project. he will prepare guidelines to monitor and evaluate the research activities under EWU component and see that these guidelines are followed in EWU studies. [Bradley Parlin] August 1988.
39 To learn more about the role of women in water management. [Dr. Samina Khan] September 1988.
40 To implement the Competitive grants program according to design and as expeditiously as practical. January 1989.
41 Prepare a PC-1 for establishment of an adaptive research unit within the Irrigation Department of the Northwest Frontier Province. [Dr. C.E. Brockway] November 1988.
42 Prepare a PC-1 for establishment of an adaptive research unit within the Irrigation Department of Baluchistan Province. [Gilbert Corey] November 1988.
43 To review the progress and work plans of the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project. [Jim Bondurant] December 1988.
44 Provide technical assistance in problem identification and description through qualitative rapid appraisal for the EWU Project. [Dr. Mark Lusk] December 1988.
45 Continuation of technical assistance for a salt transport model of SCARP VI, Unit I - Allahbad. [Dr. Yavuz Corapcioglu] December 1988.
46 Provide statistical support for on-going WM& ED advanced analytical review and for monitoring and evaluation survey techniques. Provide editorial support for preparation of publication reporting results of advanced analytical review. [Dr. Shane Ryland] March 1989.
47 Provide technical assistance in data management and analysis for organizations collaborating with ISM research. [Edward Wiser] January 1989.
48 To assist the participant researchers under the Encouraging Water Users project with their on-going research programs. [Bradley W. Parlin] April 1989.
49 To review the progress and work plans and to assist with implementation of these plans for the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project. [James Bondurant] April 1989.
50 To provide technical assistance in the installation of sprinkler irrigation system, in implementation of irrigation/crop selection study, to develop a research study on irrigation of fruit trees with a trickle system, and for preparation of manuscripts and reports. [D.L. Bassett] April 1989.
51 Missing
52 To assist the participant researchers under the Encouraging Water Users project with their on-going research programs. [Dr. Bradley Parlin] April 30, 1989.
53 Missing
54 To assist with designing a system for the monitoring and evaluation of WAPDA sub-surface tile drainage project at Mona. [Dr. Larry King] June 1, 1989.
55 Redraft, update, and correct the "Bluebook of CGP (Competitive Grants Program) Guidelines and Policies". draft PIC operations manual, and assist with format and editing of the Annual Research Progress Reports to be presented at the CGP annual conference and published by PCRWR. [Maurice Wiese] May 1989.
56 Provide engineering, hydrology, instrumentation, and data processing and analysis assistance to the technical assistance team and its collaborators on the Irrigation Systems Management Research Project. [Dr. Edward Wiser] May 1989.
57 To provide assistance to nine collaborating laboratories and institutions that need specialized skills/techniques for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of any equipment procured under ISM/R project. To impart in-country training to the Pakistani scientists in designing a modern scientific laboratory. [Dr. Leonard R. Mattick] June 1989.
58 To assist the PCRWR director of the competitive grants program on design and technical advice for four research projects funded under the CGP. [Dr. Chaudry Haniff] June 1989.
59 To provide technical assistance to the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project and to the Competitive Grants Program. [Dr. Larry King] August 8, 1989.
60 To assist the participant researchers under the Encouraging Water Users project with their on-going research programs. [Bradley Parlin] August 21, 1989.
61 Conduct workshop III on Conclusions and Policy Implications in Irrigation Organization Research for PIs involved in the EWU sub-project. [Dr. Gilbert Corey] August 21, 1989.
62 To analyze the available Chabba Distributary data to identify a range of flow and farm field sizes that are easily and efficiently manageable for optimum conveyance and application efficiencies and distribution uniformities under the existing irrigation farming practices. [James Bondurant] August 1989.
63 To produce a film based on the systems-research conducted under ISM/R on irrigation in various habitats and provinces of Pakistan. October 1989.
64 To review the progress and work plans and to assist with implementation of these plans for the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project. [James Bondurant] December 1989.
65 To assist WAPDA scientists involved with sub-projects in integrated watercourse management to write technical reports concerning their ISM/R research programs. [Dr. Gilbert Corey] December 1989.
66 To provide technical assistance to Planning South Directorate of WAPDA to help develop a design manual for the improvement and rehabilitation of karezes in Balochistan Province. [Larry King] February 7, 1990.
67 To review concept, design and progress of the Competitive Grants Program being implemented by the Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) and to make recommendations to USAID regarding continuation of the program. January 1990.
68 Assist with the program and agenda for a CGP conference and with editing and formatting CGP Annual Progress Reports to be presented at the CGP conference and published by PCRWR. [Maurice Wiese] February 1990.
69 Provide soils and hydraulics laboratories of the Sindh Provincial Irrigation Department with the latest laboratory and field equipment. [Denny Naylor & Dell Fitzsimmons] April 10, 1990.
70 To assist the participant researchers under the Encouraging Water Users Project to conclude their on-going research programs. [Michael Toney] May 21, 1990.
71 Assist ISM/R cooperators in writing of technical reports and manuscripts which summarize their research programs. [William Stellmon] April 1990
72 Refresher course in basic statistics (no formal TD), August 1990
73 Continuation of technical assistance on the "salt transport model" for SCARP VI, Unit I - Allahabad. [Yavuz Corapcioglu] April 1990
74 Provide engineering, hydrology, instrumentation, and data processing and analysis assistance to the technical assistance team and its collaborators on the Irrigation Systems Management Research Project. [Edward H. Wiser] March 1990
75 To provide technical assistance to Planning South Directorate, WAPDA, for the condition survey of Karezes in Baluchistan. [James Bondurant] September 1990
76 To review projects in progress, to assist in the development and implementation of further project plans for the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project and to assist in data analysis and report formulation on- going projects. [James Bondurant] May 1990
77 To give training on flow measurement in open channel and piped distribution systems for irrigation research plot work and to assist in implementation of flow measurement on research plots for various ISM/R cooperators. [John Replogle] August 1990
78 Assist ISM/R cooperators in writing of technical reports and manuscripts which summarize their research programs. [Day Bassett] April 1990
79 To introduce water management research leaders of ISM/R - senior engineers, soil scientists and agronomists - to the social science perspective and methodology. [Peter Reiss] August 1990
80 Set up one EM-38 unit for operation in Pakistani soil conditions and train personnel of WMED, WAPDA in its use. July 1990
81 To provide an understanding of research findings on the socio-economic impact of agricultural development programs and to teach practical methods for evaluating these programs. [Robert Howell] August 1990
82 To assist with the installation and to provide hands-on- training on the use and maintenance of the sophisticated laboratory equipment expected to arrive soon in Pakistan for LIM Hyderabad. Visit each of the nine ISM/R collaborating laboratories for providing assistance with the repairs, replacement and maintenance of the equipment supplied under ISM/R Project which are in use for about two years or more. [Leonard Mattick] July 1990
83 Assist with review of papers for the ISM/Research November 1990 symposium and preparation of a report containing important findings, major issues and recommendations for program continuation and/or technology transfer to end users. [Gilbert Corey] September 1990.
84 Continuation of technical assistance on the "salt transport model" for SCARP VI, Unit I - Allahabad. [Yavuz Corapcioglu] September 1990.
85 To evaluate research presentations at the ISM research symposium and select the best. September 1990.
86 To assist with the program and agenda for CGP Phase-IV workshops and review of CGP in general. [Maurice Wiese] September 1990
87 First phase of the ISM-R project is going to be exhausted. The evaluation and monitoring of 1st phase and review of the development plant of ISM-R project phase II is required to be carried out. October 1990,
88 To review projects in progress, to assist in the development and implementation of further project plans for the Irrigation Systems Outside the Indus Basin sub-project and to assist in data analysis and report formulation on- going project. [James Bondurant] December 1990.
89 To provide technical assistance to Planning South Directorate, WAPDA, for the condition survey of Karezes in Baluchistan. [Larry King] December 1990.
unnumbered To commission a special task force to conduct an in-depth analysis of all available information that might provide a better understanding of the agricultural and irrigation interface when the supply of irrigation water is insufficient for full production on all land served by the irrigation system. December 1988.
Appendix II.
1A Nordin, C.F. Irrigation Research Institute, Punjab Irrigation Research Institute, 10 February-27 March 1986
1B Robinson, A.R. Irrigation Research institute, Sind Irrigation Research Institute, 20 February-27 March 1986
2A King, Larry. ISM Project, Equipment specifications. 18 May- 19 June 1986.
2B Brockway, C.E. ISM Project, Equipment specifications. 25 May-12 June 1986
3 Hanson, Donna. Library, documentation and information centre, Pakistan Council of Research on Water Resources. April 17, 1986
4 Johnson, Gary S. Ground water modelling, Work plans, 9 June-3 July 1986
5 Bassett, Day L. Farm water management, Project initiation review, 6 June-5 July 1986
6 Hamilton, Joel R. Beyond watercourse improvement, Project initiation, 11 July-16 August 1986
7 King, Larry G. Surface drainage and water table control, Drainage design, 21 September-29 October 1986
8 Wiese, Maurice. Competitive grants program, Grants program format, 19 October-5 December 1986
9 Hanson, Donna M. Library/Documentation center, Organizing information service 22 March-11 June 1988.
10 Dow, A. Irving. Farm water management, Nitrogen fertilizer management, 1 November-13 December 1986
11 Bondurant, James A. Irrigation systems outside the Indus basin, Small scale irrigation, 10 November-18 December, 1986
12 Moden, Walter L. and Niel Dimik. Integrated watercourse management, Mechanical watercourse construction, 30 December 1986-13 February, 1987
14 Ra1ston, Dale R. Public and private tubewells, SCARP tubewell performance, 2 April-29 April 1987
15 Bondurant, James. Irrigation systems outside the indus basin, Sailaba irrigation reconnaissance, 4 September - 10 October 1987; 21 -29 November, 1987
16 Naylor, Denny. Farm water management, project review, 16 June-30 July 1987
17 Doering, E.J. Farm water management, Reclamation and drainage, 7 September-18 October 1987
18 King, Larry. Irrigation systems outside the Indus Basin, Enhancing Karez discharge, Larry G. King, 4 July-9 August 1987
19 Wiese, M.V. Competitive grants program, Grants handbook, 1 February-12 March 1988
20 Carlson, John E. Encouraging water users, Social science sub-project review, 1 February-2 March 1988
21 Watts, F.J. Selection of equipment for upgrading research, draft report, computer print out, 19 July 1987
22A King, Larry. Surface drainage and water table control. Design of small drains (Seminar paper), 13 March-18 April 1988
22B King, Larry G. Surface drainage and water table control, Field drainage review, Larry G. King, 10 November-9 December 1987
23 Brockway, C.E. Integrated watercourse management, Fractional weel study design, 8 February-15 March 1988
24 Hine, Patricia L. Beyond watercourse improvement, Database management, 1 February-2 March 1988
25 Hamilton, Joel R. Beyond watercourse improvement, Field data evaluation and analysis, 1-31 March 1988
26 King, Larry G. Irrigation systems outside the Indus basin, Karez discharge augmentation, 13 March-12 April, 1988
26A King, Larry G. Surface drainage and water table control, Design of small drains (seminar paper) 13 March-18 April 1988
27 Bondurant, James. Irrigation systems outside the Indus basin, Sailaba irrigation design, 9 May 1988-6 June 1988
28 Schreiber, David L. SCARP monitoring, (computer print out, not in published form) 18 September-26 October 1988
31 Ryland, Shane. Analysis plan for watercourse monitoring, 2 February-21 March 1989
32 Mattick, Leonard R. Report, TDY assignment, 3 September- 13 October 1988
33 Naylor, Denny V. Report - TDY assignment, 27 December 1988-12 February 1989
34 Bondurant, James A. Out of Indus Irrigation Systems project, Report - TDY assignment, 26 September-1 October 1988
35 Bondurant, James A. Conjunctive use utilizing a fractional tubewell and Chabba distributary data analysis, 18 January-7 April 1989
37 Wiser, Edward H. Field report, 3 October-2 November, 1988
38 Doering, Eugene J. Project report, ISM/R, PCRWR, EWU project, November 1988 (Not in published form)
40 Wiese, Maurice V. Competitive grants program, TDY Report, 10 April-16 May 1989
41 Brockway, C.E. Report on Technical Directive No.41, 12 October-14 November 1989
42 Corey, G.L. Report on Technical Directive no. 42, 30 January-10 March, 1989
43 Bondurant, James A. Out of Indus project, 18 January- 7 April, 1989
44 Lusk, Mark W. Report on Technical Directive No.44, 17 February-7 March 1989
45 Corapcioglu, Yavuz. Report on Technical Directive No.45, January-February 1990
46 Ryland, Shane. Report on Technical Directive no.46, 15 July-13 December 1989
47 Wiser, Edward. Beyond Watercourse improvement and Public and private tubewell performance, Report. 25 March-25 May 1989
48 Parlin, Bradley. Report on Technical Directive No.48, 24 April-19 June 1989
49 Bondurant, James. Irrigation systems outside the Indus Basin, Sailaba irrigation design Karez improvements, 16 September-12 November 1989
50 Bassett, D.L. Report on Technical Directive No.50, June- August 1989
51 Lusk, Mark. Report on Technical Directive No.51, 31 May-19 June 1989
53 Toney, Michael B. Report on Technical Directive No.53, 23 July-19 August, 1989
54 King, Larry G. Report on Technical Directives Nos.54 & 59, 4 August-12 September 1989
55 Wiese, Maurice. Competitive Grants Program, Technical Directive No.55, 29 January-25 February, 1990
57 Mattick, Leonard R. Report on Technical Directive No.57, 26 September-19 December 1989
58 Chaudhry, M. Haniff. Report on TDY assignment under Technical Directive No.58, 5 September-2 October 1989
59 See Report 54.
60 Parlin, Bradley. Report on Technical Directive No.60, 11 February-14 March 1990
61 Corey, Gilbert. Report on Technical directive No.61, 18-22 February, 1990
62 Bondurant, James A. Chabba distributary data analysis and report, 13 November-7 December 1989
64 Bondurant, James A. Irrigation systems outside the Indus basin, Improved irrigation systems project reports Sailaba structures, 8 March-10 May, 1990
65 Corey, Gilbert. Integrated watercourse management, Technical directive No.65, 24 February-19 March 1990
66 King, Larry. Report on Technical Directive No.66, 23 February-31 May, 1990
67 Becker, D.F. and Anis Ahmad. Report of review of the competitive grants program, of the Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources, 6 April-5 May 1990
68 Wiese, Maurice. Competitive grants program (CGP), Technical Directive No.68, 10-31 May 1990
69 Naylor, Denny. Trip report, TDY assignment, Technical directive No.69, 9-28 July 1990
69 Naylor, Denny. Equipment specifications for soils and hydraulics laboratories Sind provincial irrigation department, Technical Directive No.69, November 1990
73 Corapcioglu, Yavuz. Report on Technical directive no.73, June-July 1990
82 Mattick, Leonard R. Report on TDY assignment, October 4 to November 8, 1990
Appendix III. In-country training programs: Proposals and Correspondence
2 To provide staff of the Watercourse Monitoring and Evaluation unit with hand-on experience in the use of computers for the management and analysis of data. April 1987
3 To provide engineers and technicians with improved and accurate methods and techniques to measure water in research projects. April 1987
4 To have all concerned staff of all institutions involved in the ISM Research Project conversant with computer use and to have their computers fully utilized in the pursuit of project objectives. September 1987
5 To have all concerned staff of all institutions involved in the ISM Research Project conversant with computer use and to have their computers fully utilized in the pursuit of project objectives. September 1987
7 To introduce computer aided techniques into water management research concerned with scheduling irrigation water to crops, keeping in view that canal supplies are delivered on a fixed schedule. March 1988
8 To provide on-the-job training to NADLIN and cooperating library staff who manage and operate the ISMR Documentation and Information network. April 1988
9 To make the best use video equipment, procured under the ISM Research project, as a research and information dissemination tool. June 1988
10 To introduce the application of Geographical Information Systems, operating on personal computers, to the field of water resources management. [Toru Otawa] August 1988
11 To introduce agricultural drainage theory and construction techniques to research engineers. [Larry King] August 1988
12 Provide training in simulation of ground-water flow to a well so that trainees may subsequently use simulation to study and understand well characteristics and be able to analyze results of pumping tests of deteriorating tubewells. [Gary Johnson] January 1989.
13 To provide on the job training to officers of NADLIN and to librarians and documentalists of collaborating libraries. [Gail Kostinko] January 1989.
14 To train drainage engineers and planners in evaluation and monitoring of drainage projects in order to assess project benefits. [Larry King] April 1989.
15 To train junior and senior engineers in the use of various methods for determining "potential ET" and "actual water requirements" of irrigated crops. [William O. Pruitt] April 1989.
16 To get the irrigation/agricultural researchers and engineers acquainted with the use of tensiometers for irrigation research at the farm level for increasing water use efficiency. [Akhtar Bhatti] April 1989.
17 Provide intensive training in database management through the use of dBase III Plus software for SCARPS monitoring organization officials. [Wilson Lear] August 1989
18 Provide a unified presentation of material basic to use of computers for modelling and data base operations. [Edward Wiser] August 1989
19 To inculcate ability for reconnaissance of irrigation organization and impart skills for rapid assessment of research requirements for eventual intervention to the principal investigators of the EWU sub-project. In addition, to introduce the practice of active review of peer research sites as an integral feature of quality research activity. [Jamshed Tirmizi and John Baxter. August 1989
20 To increase analytical output and promote assay results that are accurate and reproducible. To optimize available resources and to produce results in an efficient way. [Leonard R. Mattick] December 1989
21 To review ISM/R results from experiments that have been conducted in the areas of N leaching, and biotic and chemical reclamation. To analyze successes and problems with the above two phases of the Farm Water Management Research sub-project. Introduce format and reporting procedures to be utilized by the Pakistani scientists to publish the results of their experiments, and to create a first draft of the final report for these experiments. To identify and coordinate future direction of cooperative research in these areas. [ John C. Baxter] September 1989.
22 To train selected SCARPS monitoring organization officials in the BASIC programming language. [Wilson Lear] January 1990
23 Present a general introduction to SPSS/PC+, including data entry, access to DBASE files, and elementary statistical analysis; Present a detailed introduction to the analysis of variance using SPSS/PC+. [Edward Wiser] January 1990
28 To get the GOP participants acquainted with recording, inserting and editing techniques through sophisticated VHS video and editing systems distributed under ISM/R to various research collaborators in Pakistan [Erik Anderson] April 1990.
Appendix IV. In-country training programs: Reports
11 King, Larry G. Design and construction of horizontal drains. December 1989
12 Johnson, Gary S. Computer simulation of ground-water flow to a well. January 1989
14 King, Larry G. [Monitoring and evaluation of drainage.] May 1990
15 Pruitt, William O. Evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements. February 1990
16 Bhatti, M. Akhtar and Hayat Ullah Khan. Tensiometers and their use in irrigation management. June 1989
18 Wiser, Edward H. Advanced programming techniques. August 1989
20 Mattick, Leonard R. Laboratory management for analytical laboratories in developing countries. December 1989
27 Khan, Abdul Ghaffar and Hayat-Ullah Khan. Training course on the calibration, use and maintenance of the surveying equipment including EDM theodolites. July 1990.
Appendix V. Other Reports
PIO/T (Project Implementation Order/Technical Services) no.391-0467-3-30412, 1985ISM Research, Master work plan. December 1985
Proposal: Extension of ISM Research Contract #391-0467-C-00-5044-00, University of Idaho, September 7, 1989
Technical Assistance Team, University of Idaho. Mid-term status of Irrigation Systems Management Research Project. October 1988
ISM/R Program evaluation, first draft, April 13, 1989
Final report: Project review/Technical evaluation, April 17, 1989
Irrigation Systems Management Research, Quarterly meeting, 23 August 1989 Quarterly meeting 18 November 1989 Quarterly meeting 15 February, 1990
Allen, Richard G. Pakistan irrigation scheduling program for Wara Bundi and demand irrigation systems, August 1988
Kahn, Hayat Ullah, et al. Evaluation on methods of water course construction in Pakistan. November 1988
Trimmer, Walter L. Partial irrigation and its application in Pakistan. September 1988
Lusk, Mark W. and Jamshed Tirmizi. Description and hypothesis formulation in irrigation organization research: a workshop. Workshop readings and notes, February 25-March 2, 1989
Toney, Michael H., Jamshed Tirmizi and Bradley W. Parlin. Operationalization of the conceptual framework in irrigation organization research: workshop readings, August 6-10, 1989
Papers presented at the ISM/R all-project workshop organized by the University of Idaho, session IV: Water and fertilizer management. Lahore, May 1990
Course on 21-X micrologger programming operation & data manipulation techniques, conducted by ISM/Research project, June 18-21, 1990.
Butterfield, Samuel H. How foreign aid works. Title XII strengthening grant program seminar, 18 January 1982
Corey, G.L. Size of farm in relation to irrigation pumping costs. For presentation at the 1968 annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Region and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Boise, Idaho, October 16-19, 1968
Curtis, Ronald V. and Russell Backus. Discussion paper: Irrigation systems management. March 8, 1982
Hafeez, Abdul. Irrigation analysis of Chabba distributary. (Directed study) submitted to G.L. Corey, December 1989
Renfro, Raymond Z.H. and Edward W. Sparling. Private Tubewell and canal water trade on Pakistan Punjab watercourses. September 1982.
Women in Development proposal, 1988-1989.
Corey, G.L., et al. Similitude for non-steady drainage of partially saturated soils, August 1965
Blaney, Harry F. and Wayne D. Criddle. Determining water requirements in irrigated areas from climatological and irrigation data. USDA August 1950.
Johnson, Sam H., et al. Medium scale irrigation systems in northeast Thailand: future directions. ISPAN, September 1989
Potential for irrigated agricultural development in Pakistan, July 1981
Lower Indus water management and reclamation research project, Sind, July 1983.
Water management research at Mona proposed for funding by U.S. AID during 1983-1988, undated
Tirmizi, Jamshed and Bradley Parlin. Societal dynamics and irrigation systems; a compilation of working papers - phase I. June 1989.
Research on traditional irrigation systems, July 1988
Munir, Muhammad and Muhammad Akram Kahlown. Sailaba irrigation in Baluchistan; bench mark study. December 1988.
US. AID. Project paper, India irrigation management and training. 2 v. April-May 1983
Fujioka, Y. and T. Kitamura. Approximate solution of a vertical drainage problem. Journal of Geophysical Research, December 15, 1964.
Wright, James L. and Marvin E. Jensen. Peak water requirements of crops in southern Idaho. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, June 1972.
Ferozsons Atlas for Pakistan, 1986.
Appendix VI. Local Personnel
- Ahmed Wyne, Zaheer
- Babar, Yousaf
- Benjamin, Anthony
- Chishti, Muhammad Z.K.
- Din, Roshan
- Gill, Ilyas
- Gill, Javed
- Gill, Yaqoob
- Hafeez, Shahid
- Haq, Iftikar-ul
- Hussain, Shahid
- Jamal, Hayat
- John, Peter
- Khairati, Samson
- Khan, Hayat Ullah
- Khan, Shaheen
- Khawaja, Shahid
- Khokar, Yaqoob
- Masih, Sadiq
- Murray, Mildred
- Pervaiz, Ijaz
- Sadiq, Choudhary Mohammad
- Samuel, Yousaf
- Tirmizi, Jamshed
- Yousaf, Albert
AZRI | Arid Zone Research Institute |
CGP | Competitive Grants Program |
DRIP | Drainage and Reclamation Institute of Pakistan |
EWU | Encouraging Water Users project |
GOP | Government of Pakistan |
ISM/R | Irrigation Systems Management Research Project |
IRI | Irrigation Research Institute |
LIM | Lower Indus Mona (Water Management and Reclamation Plan) |
NADLIN | National Documentation Centre, Library & Information Network |
NARC | National Agricultural Research Center |
PARC | Pakistan Agricultural Research Council |
PC-1 | Planning Commission-1 (Reports and requisition authorization) |
PCRWR | Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources |
PIO/T | Project implementation order/Technical services |
PIRI | Punjab Irrigation Research Institute |
SCARP | Salinity Control and Reclamation Project |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
WAPDA | Water and Power Development Authority |
WM&ED | Watercourse Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate |
- Title
- Guide to the Irrigation Systems Management/Research (Pakistan Project) Records1983-1992
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by Judith Nielsen
- Date
- ©1994
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
- Language of description note
- Finding aid is in English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository