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The Brewery records

Identifier: MG 189

Scope and Contents

The records of The Brewery span the years 1985 to 1988, and are mainly financial in nature, although some legal papers are included, as are menus, recipes, and lists of standard supplies. Also included are personal financial records of owner Herman Ronnenberg.


  • Creation: 1985-1988

Language of Materials


Biographical / Historical

In early 1985 Herman and Diane Ronnenberg purchased the North Idaho Cowboy Bar in Troy, Idaho, from Glen and Donna Mae Wallen. After extensive remodelling The Brewery opened as a restaurant specializing in French and Italian food. In 1986 ethnic weeks began, each week being devoted to a different ethnic food, Italian, Cajun, American steaks, or German. Each Thursday a seven course international beer banquet was offered, with foods accompanied by the appropriate beer. Outside activities of the owners left little time for running the restaurant, so in April of 1988 it was sold to Ronald and Pat Asker, owners of the land on which the restaurant was located.


1 cubic foot


Financial and legal records, menus, recipes, lists of standard restaurant supplies, and personal financial records of owner Herman Ronnenberg.


The material in this record group was in labeled folders when received. All financial and legal material was organized by month. Since it was decided to discard all but a sample of the invoices, the material retained was organized by type. It was decided to keep the entire file for the first and last months of operation, April 1985 and March 1988, and two arbitrarily chosen months, July 1986 and October 1987.

The types of material retained include check registers, newspaper advertising, coupons, employee wage records, insurance records, legal documents which include the agreement to purchase and the agreement to sell, remodelling expenses, the summary of monthly sales, tax related material, menus and recipes, and prep lists, which are lists of supplies kept on hand. Miscellaneous items include telephone order forms for takeout food, Guide to Idaho Labor Laws, and an Idaho Department of Law Enforcement, Alcohol Beverage Control Division, Inspection Report. The final items are personal check registers and income statements of restaurant owner Herman Ronnenberg.

Invoices for liquor, beer, wine, and food, utility bills, receipts from charge cards, employee time cards, paid checks and bank statements were discarded. In all the records were reduced by four cubic feet.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The records of The Brewery, a Troy, Idaho restaurant, were donated to the University of Idaho Library by owner Herman Ronnenberg in April 1989.

Guide to the The Brewery Records 1985-1988
Finding aid prepared by Judith Nielsen
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is in English
Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository