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John Osborn Papers

Identifier: MG 433

Content Description

The John Osborn papers span the years 1979-1997. Included in the papers are articles, correspondence, and reports.


  • Creation: 1979-1997


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Biographical / Historical

John Osborn worked for the U.S. Forest Service during summers from 1974 until 1980, was an Interregional firefighting crew member for the Boise, Sawtooth, and Payette National Forests in southern Idaho, became a medical doctor at the Spokane Veterans Hospital, and was an active environmental activist in the Idaho and eastern Washington areas. Osborn served as the north Idaho regional representative for the Idaho Conservation League, conservation chair for the Northern Rockies Sierra Club, board member for the Idaho Wildlife Federation and the Washington Wilderness Coalition, and was the founder and president of the Spokane-based Inland Empire Public Lands Council. Organized by doctors who wanted to preserve the beauty of the country, the Inland Empire Public Lands Council is an affiliation of sporting and environmental organizations that links the two main regions of the Northwest: the Northern Rockies and the Cascades and is dedicated to the transition of the Greater Columbia River Ecosystem from resource extraction to long term community and biological sustainability.


1 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



Dr. John Osborn was the founder and president of the Spokane-based Inland Empire Public Lands Council. This collection contains his personal papers.


The original order was retained with all of the materials from the 1998 accession.

Guide to John Osborn Papers
Finding aid prepared by Lee Steiner; updated by Sara Szobody.
2009, 2021
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English.
Funding for processing this collection was provided through a grant awarded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository