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Historical Club records

Identifier: MG 73

Historical Note

The Historical Club of Moscow was organized by Mrs. C.W . McCurdy in August 1895 under the name Ladies Historical Club; the word "ladies" was dropped in 1906. The original thirty members were primarily interested in history and literature and the first year was devoted to the study of prehistoric America. Current events of a national character were also discussed.

In 1901 the Historical Club and Pleiades Club made plans for a public library in Moscow. Donations from the city, local projects, and a $10,000 grant from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation financed the building which opened in 1906. For many years the club met in the basement of the library. The club also helped to landscape the city park and furnished some of the equipment. For many years they were in charge of the Arts & Hobbies Department of the Latah County Fair. Each year the club contributes money and equipment to community projects.

Scope and Contents

The records of the Historical Club span the years 1895 to 1979, with the bulk of the material covering the years 1925-1965.

The material includes secretary's minute books for general and board meetings as well as divisional meetings, treasurer's books, yearbooks, and scrapbooks. There are a few items of correspondence and several citations and plaques from the Camp Fire Girls. Also included are journals and convention programs from the Third District, State, and National Federation of Women's Clubs.


  • Creation: 1895-1979


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.


5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



Secretary's books, treasurer's books, yearbooks, and scrapbooks.


The material in this Manuscript Group divides itself into several distinct series. The first contains the official record books which are sorted by office then arrange chronologically, the departmental secretary's books which are alphabetical by department, then arranged chronologically, and the bound yearbooks which are in chronological order. The scrapbooks, containing newspaper clippings on historical events, club activities, club members, photographs, citations, and memorabilia, including programs, of Idaho Federation of Women's Club meetings, form another series. The remaining club material was placed in a separate series and is foldered by subject. The final series contains the Federation of Women's Club material. Each journal title has its own folder; the convention programs are in chronological order with no distinction being made between district or state conventions.

The book Hits and Bits from Memory was written by an early member of the club, Elizabeth Strong, and was presented to the club by Mattie Sinclair ; for this reason it was retained with the papers in Series II.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The records of the Historical Club of Moscow, Idaho, were first donated to the University of Idaho Library by the Club on October 26, 1972. The club adds its yearbooks and scrapbooks periodically.

Guide to Historical Club records
Finding aid prepared by Judith Nielsen
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository