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William P. Cunningham Papers

Identifier: MG 451

Content Description

The papers of William P. Cunningham span the years 1967 to 1974.

The papers include primarily Cunningham's correspondence with conservationists, including Doris Milner, whose files he borrowed to write his thesis, and others involved with the Selway issue. Also included are outlines of his thesis, drafts of articles, and notes related to the Magruder Corridor controversy.


  • Creation: 1967-1974


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Researchers are responsible for using in accordance with Copyright Laws (17 U.S.C.) and any other applicable statutes.

Biographical Note

William P. Cunningham graduated from the University of Montana School of Forestry in 1968 with a thesis entitled “The Magruder Corridor controversy: A case history.” After graduating, he joined the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In 1969 he was stationed in Germany, as a Lieutenant in the 94th Engineer Battalion. In 1971 he was a Captain at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, where he trained for the Vietnam War. He married Carolyn in 1969 and they had twin boys William Penn, Jr. and Jonathan Bryn the next year. Presently, Bill Cunningham lives in Choteau, Montana. He owns High Country Adventures outfitters. As noted at its website, he teaches wilderness courses at the University of Montana, has written several wilderness guidebooks, and writes a Wild Country column for Montana Magazine. The University of Idaho Library owns a copy of his Master thesis.


0.3 Cubic Feet (1 box)

Language of Materials



William P. Cunningham, from Montana, wrote the thesis “The Magruder Corridor controversy: A case history,” while at the University of Montana. These are his personal papers relating to the writing of the thesis.


Correspondence organized by year and two folders of miscellaneous.

Custodial History

The papers of William P. Cunningham were in the possession of William P. Cunningham until transferred to Dennis Baird who had them until time of donation.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

The papers of William P. Cunningham were donated to the University of Idaho Library by Dennis Baird in June 2009 (MA 2009-24).

Related Materials

Related materials can be found in Manuscript Group 442 Doris Milner Papers.

Processing Information

This collection was processed using the Basic processing method.

Guide to William P. Cunningham papers
Finding aid prepared by Laura Guedes
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script
Language of description note
Funding for processing this collection was provided through a grant awarded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository