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Donald R. Theophilus Papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MG 658

Scope and Contents

The box contains historical materials related to the University of Idaho and its former president, Dr. Theophilus. Among the contents are various reports detailing significant developments during his presidency, including academic, financial, and infrastructural growth. Newspaper clippings capture moments of his leadership, covering key events, speeches, and the university’s involvement in agricultural education and research. There are also emails and letters, which offer a glimpse into Dr. Theophilus’s communication with faculty, students, and external stakeholders, showcasing his leadership style and engagement with university affairs. The box includes formal statements and speeches from Dr. Theophilus, reflecting his vision for the university, especially in agricultural advancements and educational policies.

In addition to these documents, the box holds photographs of Dr. Theophilus, providing a visual connection to his time at the university. All these materials collectively paint a detailed picture of the university’s history, the leadership of Dr. Theophilus, and the institution’s significant contributions to agricultural education during his tenure.


  • Creation: 1940 - 1970


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research

Biographical / Historical

Donald R. Theophilus (1899-1970) was President of the University of Idaho from 1954-1965. President Theophilus has long been “remembered for his commitment” to the university mission as a land-grant institution being “responsible for not only educating its students but also providing extension services for residents throughout the state.”

Theophilus later wrote that “the primary objectives of the University have always been the achievement and extension of excellence in learning and in research so that those it serves can be better citizens, make a better living, live better and be more useful and worthy individuals.” It is said that “he pursued that mission by expanding adult education statewide and working to reopen Lewis-Clark Normal School to train teachers.”


1 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



The box contains a collection of materials related to the University of Idaho and its former president, Dr. Theophilus. It includes reports on university developments, newspaper clippings covering key events, and correspondence such as emails and letters that reflect his leadership. There are also formal statements and speeches from Dr. Theophilus, highlighting his vision for university, particularly in agriculture. Additionally, the box holds photographs of Dr. Theophilus, and the building of the University of Idaho. These items provide a detailed look at his contributions and the university’s growth.


Sorted by items and chronological order.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials received from Teresa R. Dillon Papers, in the President's Office, in 2013 (MA 2013-15).

Guide to Donald R. Theophilus Papers
Finding Aid prepared by Sigma Bhusal
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository