University of Idaho Extension Publications
Scope and Contents
This list includes a majority of the historic and current publications produced by the University of Idaho Extension. This includes materials produced by Extension faculty members and researchers from the Agricultural Experiment Stations. The publications cover a variety of topics including crop information, home making guides, 4-H activities, farm animal research, and forestry information. This is an incomplete list as well as an ongoing collection.
- Creation: Majority of material found within 1892-2011
- University of Idaho. Extension (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
Biographical / Historical
The University of Idaho Board of Regents established the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Idaho in 1892 following the passage of the federal Hatch Act (1887), which allowed the creation of agricultural experiment stations at state land-grant colleges. In addition to stimulating agricultural research, the act required the publishing of bulletins or reports of progress on station research and allocated $15,000 per year for conducting investigations and experiments and printing and distributing the results.
The University of Idaho College of Agriculture began establishing an Extension program in southern Idaho in 1910. In 1914, the federal Smith-Lever Act authorized cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics between the state land-grant institutions and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Extension’s role was to diffuse practical research-based information to people not attending college through instruction and practical demonstrations. Over the years, the Extension’s mandate grew to include gardening, natural resources, youth development, and community development.
Starting the mid-1990s, experiment station and Extension publications were published on the Internet in PDF format as well as in print. By 2010, the vast majority of Extension and experiment station publications were available only online, for free access by all. You can locate more recent Extension Publications here: Extension Publications.
A Digital Collection of over 2,000 Extension Publications can be found here: Agricultural Experiment and UI Extension Publications.
3665 items
Language of Materials
Historic and current educational, research-based publications produced by the University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Extension's faculty and Agricultural Experiment Station Researchers.
Materials are located in the University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives Idaho Collection. They are physically shelved based upon their Library of Congress call number.
They are arranged in this finding aid into 2 series. The first series is Historical publications, or series which are no longer being actively published by Extension. The second series is Current publications and series.
Within both series, sub-series are the major series title and then below is a list of each issues title in that series, issue number, authors, and publication date. Please note, there are missing issues in all of the series.
Existence and Location of Originals
The Extension Publishing Office has additional copies of many of the back issues of the Extension Publications, including some not listed in this finding aid.
Additional materials will be added to this finding aid over time. Staff is working to find copies of missing issues and will add them as they can.
- Title
- Guide to University of Idaho Extension Publications
- Status
- Completed
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by Kelley Moulton.
- Date
- 2024
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository