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Collection on the "Flight of the Salmon Fly: a reconnaissance trip down the River of No Return, Salmon River, Idaho June 20 to July 2, 1944"

Identifier: MG 5733

Scope and Contents

This collection is a summary of logs written on a trip down the River of No Return in 1944 by members of the Army Corps of Engineers. The summary was written by trip senior engineer K.M. MacDuffie from logs kept by three other senior engineers making the trip, L.E. Rydell, S.E. Sporseen, and F.O. McGrew. According to the report, "the main purpose of the trip was selection of sites where high dams might be feasible and the selection of a series of dams that eventually might develope the entire fall in the river. Only the portions of the river course which were not accesible, at that time, by roads were considered during the trip." The summary is typeset and includes pictures of the trip as well as maps of the area covered in the journey. The trip covered the days of June 20 to July 2, 1944. The typescript is 124 pages excluding the accompanying maps. Also included in the collection is a CD containing a digital copy of the report as well as newspaper article from Northwest Magazine dated March 25, 1990 about the telephone system in the Salmon River canyon.


  • Creation: 1944
  • Creation: 1990
  • Modified: Majority of material found within 2010; 2019

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.


0.5 linear feet

33.8 Megabytes : 246 files

Language of Materials



The collection consists primarily of a report written by senior engineer K.M. MacDuffie, from logs of a trip down the Salmon River in 1944 by members of the Army Corps of Engineers. The logs were kept by senior engineers L.E. Rydell, S.E. Sporseen and F.O. McGrew and detail their crew's trip June 20-July 2, 1944. The Salmon Fly in the collection title is in reference to the name of boat on which the engineers traveled.

Technical Requirements

Please note this collection contains JPEG File Interchange Format items.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Donated 1/15/2010 by Rita and John Sporseen. John Sporseen is the son of S.E. Sporseen, one of the original members of the trip in 1944 (accession MA 2010-03).

Existence and Location of Originals

This collection is located in the Small Manuscripts section of U of I Library Special Collection and Archives.

The access files of the digital materials in this collection are located on the archive drive. Folder path: Y:\Processed Collections\Small Manuscript Groups\MG 5733 (Collection on the "Flight of the Salmon Fly"). Contact University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives for access or questions.

Guide to the Collection on the "Flight of the Salmon Fly: a reconnaissance trip down the River of No Return, Salmon River, Idaho June 20 to July 2, 1944"
Finding aid prepared by Darcie Riedner; updated by Sara Szobody in 2023.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository