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H. Walter and Ladore Steffens papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MG 602

Scope and Contents

The box has 7 loose documents (letters, reports, newspaper clipping, pamphlet, and University of Idaho material(s)) housed in a folder. There is a fiftieth-class reunion that goes over the program’s timeline and has information on those in the class: passing, marriage, and children. Along with them are 12 booklets that contain details of trips across America, Africa, and European countries- all written by and from Ladore’s perspective. It also features travel expenses in loose document form inside the corresponding travels and margin writing across the booklets.


  • Creation: 1939-1991


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Consult Head of Special Collections and Archives on permissions for use.

Biographical / Historical

Herman Walter “Wally” Steffens was born February 24th, 1904 in Trenton, Illinois and died September 1st, 1978 in Moscow, Idaho. Steffens graduated from Blackfoot High School and recieved a bachelor's degree from the University of Idaho. He recieved his doctorate from Harvard University in 1940. Steffens joined the University of Idaho staff in 1929 and retired as academnic vice president at the University of Idaho in 1969. During his career, he served on various social and academic groups including Sigma Xi and the Moscow Lions Club.

Ladore Steffens was born October 15th, 1910 in Malad City, Idaho and died March 28th, 2005 in Moscow, Idaho. Ladore and Walter were married on August 12th, 1931. Ladore spent her career as a homemaker and following his reitrement, they spent winters in San Diego, California. Their daughter Billie G. Smith died in 1994.


0.5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials



The materials cover the travels of Ladore and Walter through various years and locations from Ladore’s perspective. They also feature documents and letters, and a fiftieth-year high school reunion program.


Loose materials were added to a folder for preservation purposes.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Materials were donated by Ladore Steffens on December 18th, 1991.

Guide to H. Walter and Ladore Steffens papers
Finding aid prepared by Emme Eubanks.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository