Mildred M. Haberly Papers
Content Description
Scrapbooks, photographs, newspaper clippings, travel books and more relating to the Mildred Haberly and both her personal life as well as her work with the Univeristy of Idaho home economics department. Haberly was the Idaho State home demonstration leader and a member of the home economics faculty for over 20 years.
- Creation: 1872-1996
- Haberly, Mildred Mary, 1906-1996 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research. Box 5 has some restricted material.
Conditions Governing Use
Consult Head of Special Collections and Archives on permissions for use.
Biographical / Historical
Mildred Mary Haberly was born 7 September 1906 near Silverton, Oregon to William J. and Maude J. Howe. She attended Silverton High School, Oregon State Agriculture College (now Oregon State University) where she earned a degree in home economics, and University of Washington where she earned her master's degree in nutrition. She would teach at The Dalles High School and joined the University of Idaho staff in 1941 in Pocatello where she worked at the home economics agent for 9 counties. In 1942, she transferred to Moscow and was the district home economics agent for the five northern counties. She was appointed Extension nutrition specialist in 1943 and in 1953, Haberly was named the state home economics leader in January 1953. Haberly retired in January of 1967 after more than 25 years of service. She was an active member of the American Home Economics association, former president of the Idaho chapter, served on the National Consumer Interest Committee. She was a member of the advisory council to the National Association of Extension Home Economics and advisor to the Idaho Association of Extension Home Economicsts. Additionally, she was a member of Epsilon Sigma Phi. In her personal life, she was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Moscow where she was ordanined as an elder in 1977, past president of the Good Samaritan Village Club, and travelled extensively. Hablery died on 7 August 1996.
4.5 Cubic Feet
Language of Materials
Materials regarding Mildred M. Haberly's career with the University of Idaho and her personal life.
Materials were rearranged during processing. Items were rehoused into folders in some cases and placed into groups by topic for ease of research, including travel, papers, objects, and photographs.
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Please note that due to condition, some scrapbooks were deconstructed. Images of the original layout were taken and can be viewed using an image viewing software.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Collection was donated in two parts. First part was donated by Mildred Haberly in April 1996. It was brought in by Maurice Johnson and included three scrapbooks. The second part was brought in following Haberly's death in August 1996 by Robert Steele, who worked in the Trust and Investment Office of the University of Idaho. This part was 5 boxes which included correspondence, calendars, photographs, additional materials. 1 box of materials contained published books which were sent to gifts librarian for evaluation, leaving four boxes for special collections.
Processing Information
During processing, the collectino was reorganized for easier handling and searching. Materials were also removed from frames and scrapbooks were deconstructed due to glue and tape failing. Removed from collection was a dried out lei, presumably from a trip to Hawaii, that was disingrating and held no importance to the collection.
- Title
- Guide to Mildred M. Haberly papers
- Status
- Completed
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by Kelley Moulton.
- Date
- 2024
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
- Language of description note
- Finding aid written in English.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository