Ethics in Contemporary Perspective, 16 September 1992
Content Description
Eight VHS tapes spanning the years 1992-1998. Four from “Ethics in America Series” sponsored by Moscow-Latah Co. Public Library and UI Department of Philosophy, one of Professor Wayne Fox’s Philosophy classes, one of a lecture by American philosopher Peggy Battin, one from a UI Philosophy Club/UI Economics Club Forum, and one on the Philosophy of Learning by the UI Center for ETHICS.
- Creation: 16 September 1992
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research
1 item : VHS tape in a black case titled "Ethics in Contemporary Perspective" by Marvin C. Henberg sponsored by the Moscow-Latah Co. Public Library and UI Department of Philosophy. Videotape is part of the Ethics in America Series. Original tape. A worksheet of ethics questions is also included in the case.
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository