UI Catalog Divider Photos, 1990
Content Description
Photographs of university activities, students, faculty, administration. Also of events, rodeo, sports, parades, Mardi Gras and items used for promotion or publicity. Negatives color and bw, contact sheets, and 35mm slides.
- Creation: 1990
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research
27 items : UI Catalog Divider Page Photos- Leo Ames; Marching Band; baskerball; Karen Scharbach; Volleyball; Stacey Asplund; Loren Orr, photographer; sports crowd; Shane Elliott; Tim Dahlquist; photographer; track; Bruce Harris; Bruce Pitman; French Hall; Margie Crawford; Kristina Haakenson; Clint Bush, photographer; Brad Cuddy, Tina Kagi; ASUI election; chataqua; Spokane Falls Brass Band; Elisabeth Zinser; Old Steps; surveying; skiing; John Fritz, photographer; Alpha Phi
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository