Bennett Collection, Book 11, pages 76-97
Content Description
This collection of more than 1,500 stock certificates was assembled by Earl Bennett over the span of approximately 20 years. There is a particular focus on certificates issued by mining operations in Idaho, but a variety of industries and states are also represented.
A zip drive also accompanied the donation, which contained a spreadsheet listing all the certificates in order of their book and page location. Digital images of each certificate are also included.
- Creation: 1860-2000
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
1 folder : Stratton & Stratton option; Wilbert Mining Co. with assessment receipts; Wilbert Mining Company EXP; Orogrande-Frisco Gold Mines, Inc.; Mutual Finance Company; Montana-Idaho Mines corp.; Yreka United, Inc.; Silver Corporation of America; Painted Desert Uranium & Oil Co., Inc.; King of Pine Creek Mining Co.; Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc.; Big Ledge gold Mining and Milling. Inc.; North Bunker Hill Mining Company, Ltd.; Fox Copper Mining and Milling Co.; Washington Water Power Company; Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company; General Electric Company; Treasury Dept. Revenue Order for opium; Steptoe Fuel Company; German bond; Treasury dept, U.S. Bond ownership; Pittsburgh-Lake Erie-Railroad Co.
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository