1.9 Yellow University of Idaho binder containing memorabilia in 54 9-pocket trading card pages, business card pages, divided photograph pages, and 8.5-inch by 11-inch sheet protectors - continued, undated
Content Description
The collection consists of Palouse Empire Science Fiction Association (PESFA) and MosCon operational documents, copies of the PESFA fanzines, copies of the PESFA-produced Amateur Press Association (APA), convention ephemera, science fiction and fantasy resource material for fans, original manuscript drafts of PESFA members, assorted correspondence, Lensman Award ballots, and items from the collection of Debra Miller and Mike Finkbiner from science fiction and fantasy conventions they attended in the pacific northwest.
This collection contains directory information and adult content.
- Creation: undated
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
1 item : Sheet 9: 10-pocket business card page #8 Position 1 (front) Business card for Dean Damron Renovation. Position 2 (front) Business card for Jam Paper & Envelope. Position 3 (front) Business card for Costello Painting. Position 4 (front) Business card for Mark Abson. Sheet 10: 10-pocket business card page #9 Position 1 (front) Business card for Insty-Prints Business Printing Services. Variant 1. Position 2 (front) Business card for Insty-Prints Business Printing Services. Variant 2. Position 3 (front) Business card for Insty-Prints Business Printing Services. Variant 3. Position 4 (front) Business card for Insty-Prints Business Printing Services. Variant 4. Position 5 (front) Business card for Insty-Prints Business Printing Services. Variant 5. Position 6 (front) “Today is a new day, Hence:” newspaper clipping taped to back of unused MosCon XVII membership badge blank #192 with an additional yellow post-it note placed on the badge face with text reading “Follow your bliss.” Sheet 11: 3-pocket photo page #1 Position 3 (front) Double-sided advertisement card for SpoCon 2014 Special Guest Jane Francher. Sheet 12: 4-pocket photo page #1 Position 1 (front) Debbie Miller’s SpoCon 2010 member badge. Badge #744. Position 2 (front) Debbie Miller’s SpoCon 2011 member badge. Badge #770. Position 3 (front) David Kraykovic’s SpoCon 2010 member badge. Badge #745. Position 4 (front) David [Kraykovic]’s SpoCon 2011 member badge. Badge #771. Position 1 (rear) Debbie Miller’s SpoCon 2014 member badge. Badge #340. Position 2 (rear) Debbie Miller’s RadCon 6B member badge. Badge #636. Position 4 (rear) “Knights of Badassdom Fan Club” promotional handbill. Sheet 13: Sheet protector #1 Position 1 (front) “By Their Covers” newspaper clipping (1 of 2) featuring an interview of Michael Whelan from the Inlander. July 29, 2010. Position 1 (rear) “By Their Covers” newspaper clipping (2 of 2) featuring an interview of Michael Whelan from the Inlander. July 29, 2010. SpoCon 2010 promotional handbill. Sheet 14: Sheet protector #2 Position 1 (front) “Happy to Live in a Fantasy World” newspaper clipping about SpoCon 2011 (1 of 2) from The Spokesman Review. Position 1 (rear) “Happy to Live in a Fantasy World” newspaper clipping about SpoCon 2011 (2 of 2) from The Spokesman Review. Sheet 15: Sheet protector #3 Position 1 (front) Promotional bookmark advertisement for Sky Warrior Books. Promotional bookmark advertisement for Steve Jackson Games. Promotional bookmark advertisement for “OryCon 36 - Windows of Futures Past.” November 7-9, 2014. Promotional bookmark advertisement for “Portland in 2016” Westercon 69 bid. Position 1 (rear) Handbill advertisement for Steampunked Out. Artwork print. Artist unknown.
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository