Miscellaneous Ore Correspondence, 1922-1935
Scope and Contents
A. Ores Purchased Record, 1926-1932, 1937-1941, 2 vols.
B. Daily Assays Records, 1906-1909, 2 vols. The Daily Assays Record gives the results of sampler assays at each stage of ore milling during each working shift (i.e., three times a day), giving content of silver, lead, zinc, and iron. Vol. 1, 1906, is labeled "Assays Record", but actually contains a Daily Assays Record, 1906; a Shipment Assay Record for slimes and concentrates, 1906; and a Shipment Assays Record for crude, 1905-1906. In the front of Vol. 2, 1907-1909, is a table of total mill tonnage and a daily average for each month, 1907-1908.
C. Ore Shipment Record, 1919-1931, 1 vol. Apparently a preliminary record used in preparing data on ore shipped from the Hercules Mill for entry in the permanent Ore Record volumes.
D. Ore Records, Jan. 9, 1911-Nov. 29, 1941, 9 vols. These record assay results, smelter destination, and financial returns on each shipment of ore. The volumes before 1925 record the production of the Hercules mine; those after 1925 record the output of the Hercules mill. All volumes after the first relate to specific classes of ore, as follows:
Vol. 1: 1911-1913
Vol. 2: Slimes and concentrates, 1913-1916.
Vol. 3: Crude, 1913-1919.
Vol. 4: Zinc, 1913-1941.
Vol. 5: Slimes and concentrates, 1916-1918.
Vol. 6: Iron ore concentrates, 1917-1923.
Vol. 7: Concentrates, 1918-1925.
Vol. 8: Slimes, 1918-1925.
Vol. 9: Crude, 1920-1925; Slimes and concentrates, 1927-1941.
E. Shipment Assays Records, 1907-1917, 3 vols. Compares assay results on ore shipments leaving the mill and received at the smelter and records the reconciliation of any differences. Each volume lists specific classes of ore, as shown below. There is also a shipment assays record for slimes and concentrates 1906, and for crude 1905-1906, on pp. 50-71 in the volume labeled "Assays Records" listed above in Series 21, "Daily Assays Records."
Vol. 1: 1907-1914
Pp. 1-38: Crude and Slimes.
Pp. 75-149: Slimes and Concentrates
Vol. 2: 1914-1917: Slimes and Concentrates
Vol. 3: 1914-1917: Crude.
F. Ore Settlements and Related Records, 1903-1914, 22 folders. Ore settlements, receipts issued by the buyer of ore to the seller, list the weight, assay results, value per ton, and total value of the ore, and are often accompanied by freight bills, assay certificates, lists of splits and umpired assays, receipts, correspondence, price quotations, tally sheets, summaries, sheets of calculations, and other records. Ore settlements provide detailed information on financial returns from Hercules ore prior to the beginning of the Ore Records described above. Hercules Ore Settlements dated after Apr. 30, 1913, have been discarded. Remaining in the present series are settlements of the American Metal Company, 1903-1904; assay certificates issued by LeDoux and Company, 1903-1905; Selby Smelting & Lead Co. settlements, 1903-1905; price quotations by ASARCO, 1908-1912; ASARCO lists of splits and umpired assays, 1909; ASARCO settlements, 1912; ASARCO assay certificates, 1912; Ohio and Colorado Smelting and Refining Company Settlements, 1909; and Tacoma Smelting Co. Settlements, 1909-1911. Many later Ore Settlements and related records remain among the General Records.
G. Mine Notebooks, 1891-1903, 1 folder. Three small volumes, as follows:
Vol. 1: 1891-1898. Harry Day's record of lead, silver, and gold content of ore from the Happy Day (1891), Hercules and Firefly (18961898), and Salvador (1890s?) mines.
Vol. 2: 1898-1902? Seemingly random notes relating to purchases of supplies and other expenses for the Hercules, estimates for a flume, estimates for a new tunnel, numbers of employees at various mines (not all Day properties), "normal monthly production" statistics for certain mines. Most entries are not dated.
Vol. 3: Oct. 1, 1901-Jan. 23, 1903. An Ore Shipment Record, giving dates commenced loading; dates of bill of lading; car numbers; lot numbers; weight; kind of ore; consignee and destination; routing for Hercules ore lots 1 to 215. It is the only known record of Hercules ore production for this period.
H. Mill Recovery Records, 1912-1921, 1923-1925, 1929-1932, 1937-1941, 12 folders and 2 vols. Monthly reports with annual recapitulations, variously called "Mill Savings Statements," "Mill Recoveries," and "Calculated Metal Payments" records. They record the efficiency of the Hercules mill in separating metal-bearing ore from the barren rock. The information contained varies but generally includes tons of ore sent to the mill, assay results, amounts of silver and lead (and later zinc and copper) saved and lost, amounts and content of ore sent to smelter, gross value, deductions, net returns, and calculated cost to market ore as percentage of gross value. The volumes after 1929 relate to the production of the Tamarack, Sherman, Dayrock, and Humming Bird mines. The reports for Oct. 1924-Mar. 1925 are simply lists of amounts of ore sent to the mill.
I. Daily Reports of the Northport Smelter, 1919-1921, 3 folders.
J. Daily and Monthly Reports of the Pennsylvania Smelting Co., 1919-1921, 2 folders.
K. Silver Affidavits, 1937-1941, 6 folders. Notarized "Silver Affidavits," which document compliance with the bullion transfer tax provisions of the federal Silver Purchase Act of 1934, affirm the shipment of amounts of silver to specified smelters, usually in the form of concentrates. The format varies slightly, but all provide essentially the same kind of information. Accompanying each Silver Affidavit is an "Affidavit of Miner," also notarized, affirming that a specified mining company (usually Dayrock, Tamarack and Custer, or Sherman Lead) had delivered the same amount of silver to the Hercules between certain dates.
L. Miscellaneous Ore Correspondence, 1922-1923, 1935, 3 folders. Included is ASARCO correspondence relating to contract adjustments, 1922-1923, accompanied by charts detailing smelter payments; correspondence with the Battick brothers relating to a surface lease of the Hercules Mine, 1935; and correspondence and other records relating to the lease of the Hercules Mill, by the Sullivan Mining Co., 1935.
- Creation: 1922-1935
Language of Materials
From the Collection: 73 cubic feet
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository