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Series III. Miscellaneous


Scope and Contents

This series contains a wide variety of items including employee time cards, and other items relating to employees of the WI&M, records of annual passes issued, Over, Short and Damage Reports, and cancelled checks. Listed below are the items in this series. The number in parentheses indicates the box in which the material is located.

Railway Passes (424) (See also folder 143 in Series I): Ledger 1, 1912-1922; Ledger 2, 1923-1926; Ledger 3, 1927-1930; Ledger 4, 1931; Alphabetical and numerical pass file for 1952/53-1954/55 (Because of its small size the plastic envelope containing these passes has been placed in box 439)

Exparte Increases X206A, X212, X223, X223A (425): These sheets are in a binder and include the tariff of increased rates and charges for the years 1957-1972.

Locomotive Mileage, Potlatch, 1960-1966. (426): This large journal also contains columns for car mileage and work service as well as locomotive mileage.

Over, Short and Damage Reports (427): These reports, for the years 1927-1945, were filled out by station agents when a shipment was received in less than perfect condition.

Employee Time Cards, 1930-1966 (428-429): These cards record the number of hours an employee worked each month and his earnings for that month.

Cancelled Checks, May 1905 - A t 1906 (430-431)

Cancelled Pay Roll Checks, January 1924 - June 1930; January 1957 - December 1958 (432-436)

Miscellaneous Financial (437): Comparative Statement of earnings, operating expenses & statistics. July - December 1906; Bank Statements, January 1953 - December 1956; Balance sheets, December 1965 - September 1966; Cash Journal work sheets, 1975, 1977

Miscellaneous Employee Records (438): Life Insurance Policies, Request for group insurance reinstatement cards, Salary savings insurance plan cards, Waiver of life insurance cards, Insurance record cards, Pay roll allotment authorization for purchase of bonds cards, Acceptance of Hospital contract cards, Acceptance and pay roll deduction authority, Employee withholding exemption certificate, Employee registration form CER-1 (Social Security)

Miscellaneous 3x5 cards (439): Railway passes, 1952/53-1954/55, Key to filing system, Key to map arrangement, Field notes, Alphabetical account cards, 1906-193-?


  • Creation: 1903-1962

Language of Materials

From the Collection:



From the Collection: 65.5 l.f.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository