Dworshak Dam Project. - Land clearing in the Elk Creek area. Bulldozer yo-yo operation. August 3, 1967. 4x5 black and white negative, 1967-08-03
Scope and Contents
The collection is comprised of just under 10,000 images taken by A.B. Curtis depicting forest management practices, forest fires and their effects, members of the association and other forest officials, forestry personnel and equipment, logging activity, recreational development, scenic views, and other activities and events in the areas administered by the Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association. Notable subjects include images of the North Fork of the Clearwater River before Dworshak Dam was built which flooded the stream to make Dworshak Reservoir.
Formats include color and black and white negatives, color slides, and prints. Many images include a print and negative both. Descriptions are based on retroactive descriptions typed by Curtis and inlcuded at the time of the donation of images. In some cases, personal thoughts or more back stories provided by Curtis are listed that weren't included or were condensed down to make our inventory.
About 200 images from this collection and about 300 items from the related Albert Bruce Curtis papers MG 147, and other collections, were digitized to create the Dworshak Dam Collection.
- Creation: 1967-08-03
- From the Collection: Curtis, Albert Bruce, 1903-1985 (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
1 item : Yo yo work. Note on image: "Yo Yo opr. N. West Co. Murphy N.C. Elk Cr. 8-3-67" Note on back: " Same place, date and operator as #702-705. More yo-yo work and you get the idea better here how the cats are tied together through the winch or drum. Here the cat is being let down."
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository