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Summer Course and Miscellaneous Notes, 1979

 File — Box: 6, Folder: 39

Content Description

From the Collection:

This archival group contains the material written and collected by those involved with planning the Palouse Hills Living History Farm. It consists of twenty-six typed reports dealing with various aspects of rural life in the Palouse from 1890 to 1915, twenty-two sets of cassette tapes (thirty-eight tapes in all) and typed transcripts of seven of those sets which are oral history interviews with Palouse area residents. There are also eight books dealing with farm animals, three 4-H clothing bulletins, maps of the proposed farm, and material for a living history summer course taught at the university.

This group also contains many brochures on living history sites in the United States and many newspaper clippings about the University Museum's farm project. Another very interesting series in this group is the large number of photographs, both period and contemporary, of farming methods, fashion, domestic architecture, and household furnishings. These photographs are either in the typed reports or in the two file boxes of photographs. Some were taken by persons associated with the living farm museum project, others were obtained from the University of Idaho, Washington State University, Eastern Washington State Historical Society, Idaho Historical Society, or from one of several private collections.


  • Creation: 1979

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.


From the Collection: 6 linear feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


1: Proposal for innovative-experimentive program or distinguished visiting professor 7 p. Summer of 1979 2: Museum Training: Introduction to Living History List of 20 research topics. Summer 1979 3: Correspondence: 13 letters about speakers and research trips 4: Notes on speakers and class schedules. 5: Typed announcements about the Museology class for Summer 1979, other announcements In "The Snag" (Moscow, May 10, 1979), Science Museum News (Spring 1979), AVISO, (May 1979), U of I General News bulletin, July 3, 1976, University Register, May 25, 1979, and History News, July 1979. 6: Reading list for the class. 7: List of Trustees of Friends of the Farm elected December 4, 1979. 8: Edwin E. Krumpe, "The Farm--An Interdisciplinary Viewpoint." 2 p. 9: A 2 page request for help in locating farm buildings and equipment. 10: "Introduction to the University of Idaho Cooperative Park Studies Unit." 1979 11: Reserve reading list for Museology 404 Fall 1979 12: Talk notes a: Tim Wheeler. Staff Development. 4 p. holograph b: Museology. 5 p. holograph c: Jameson. The Public History. 3 p. holograph d: Rob Russon 1: The Interpretative Plan/Master Plan Format. 1 p. typed 2: Organizational Plan. 1 p. typed 3: 16 Principles of Organization. 1 p. typed 4: Budget Allocations. 1 p. typed 5: Second Organizational plan. 1 p. typed 6: Self Evaluation Test for Collections Management. 1 p. typed 7: Objectives. 1 p. typed 8: Job Descriptions. 3 p. typed e: Ed Reibel. Old Economy. 2 p. typed f: Ed Spencer. Colonial Williamsburg. 2 p. typed g: June Sprigg. Hancock Shaker Village. 2 p. typed h: Ed Alexander. Shansen. 2 p. typed i: Camille Fife. New Harmony. 2 p. typed j: Loren Horton. Iowa History. 4 p. holograph k: Arthur Hart. Architectural Preservation. 2 p. typed l: Ellis Burcaw. Open Air Museums. 1 p. typed m: Nancy West. Roskilde, near Copenhagen. 1 p. typed n: Rob Russon. Administration of Living History Farms and Museums. 5 p. typed o: Marvin Moore. Architectural Research p: Glen Hinsdale. Interpretation. q: Organizational Chart at Georgia Agrirama. 1 p. r: Organizational List, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Pacific Northwest Region Office. 1 p. typed. 13: Personal data record for interviewers: Ellen Estelle Borsdorf, Mary Anne Davis, Susan Lehman.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Idaho Library, Special Collections and Archives Repository